(2007-10-19 17:05:13)
女儿2年的幼儿园一直是我每天早上送去的,认识了很多她的同学们。女儿一年级开始,由老公一早送。一年后的某一日,早上我送女儿去时,一看她班上的同学中一下子多了5,6个“小四眼”。和两个“小四眼”的妈妈说起“戴眼镜”一事,她们都不以为然。认为“戴眼镜”也挺cool。还特意告诉我最近女孩子喜欢的眼镜式样正“sold out(脱销)”。
That's why we don't want our son having glass.
Guess, what,
An Optometorest checked my little guy's eye when he was four. Then, she said, my little guy needs glass.... a year later, we picked up frame, and were going to buy it, then, Doc, said, wait for another year.... ok, this year, she said definitely, he would have glasses before he starts his new school year...... I did not like the idea.
So, I took my son anotehr Opt... ... he said, there is no reason, the little guy needs glass.... so, I am just happy , he does not need it now....
You know kids are too active... esp. boys. With glasses, it will be too dawn difficult....
Check around, at least, have a second opinion.
Have a great weekend.