
this blog is meant for my little precious

hey, mom, you used the wrong method

(2008-05-26 00:18:09) 下一个
i brought cc to the central park. what a great spring day with the perfect temperature and weather.

she was having lots of fun saying "Stop!!, ayi buyao buyao". she was actually trying to say: "stop making noise. ayi is sleeping, don't make the noise". but then she didn't realize she was the one making all the noise.

she was also very excited to see those dogs in the park, the birds, the green grasses and all those who slept on the grass.

she was too excited and refused to take a nap. i knew she would be very tired because she didn't nap in the morning. i tried to talk to her, rock her, hold her, sing to her, force her. none of them work, she was still very alert and fascinated by her surrounding.

later on we joined a small band, she were dancing with the rhythem. and i passed her the money and showed her how to drop it into the beg.

after that we went to a small playground, there was a big sand box. she was totally lost in it. i asked her many times : should we leave now? her only answer was no. even after i successful got her off the sand box, she could find millions of excuses to go into it again.

finally we got a cheese pretzel and ice cream cone. she obviously started to like ice cream. after i grabbed the ice cream from her (the white vanila ice cream were all over her face, neck and shirt), i handed her the pretzel. then i started to push the stroller heading to the subway station. only after a block, i checked her, and found out she was sleeping with pretzel in her hand. she was that tired!!

then only i realized, for the whole afternoon, i used the wrong method of trying to get her to nap. she wanted to sleep in the stroller!! and it took me so long to figure that out. poor little girl.

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