
this blog is meant for my little precious

yee, where is the potty?

(2007-12-29 15:27:49) 下一个

after cc could say "拉臭臭", she is on potty training. but it doesn't go well, she couldn't finish the business when she is sitting on the potty without her diaper.

now, whenever i notice any sign that she tries to poo, i would ask her to comfirm. if yes, then immediately i ask her to go and sit on the potty with her diaper. so far only once, she went to potty when she wanted to poo with her own will.

potty training was affected by her cold. we just picked the training again today.

she wanted to poo and was trying to sit on the potty but too bad, she estimated the distance wrongly, she missed the potty and sat on the floor. she turned back to check what happen. she tried again, same thing happened. her facial expression asked :"yee, where is the potty?" it was too funny, i have to put them down.

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