
this blog is meant for my little precious


(2007-09-15 08:19:05) 下一个

When my baby turned 6m, i started to worry about Roseola and read some of the posts about it at qqbb. most of the babies developed high fever for 3 days, then rashes after the fever stopped. but my baby did not have high fever for three days.

day 1: i brought her to playarea. she wasn't really active but i thought she was just sleepy and didn't pay much attention. when we reached home, i tried to nurse her. she cried for very long time, again, i thought she was only fussy because of over tired.

she started to have low grade fever after her long nap. i bathed her, the fever came back after half an hour. finally i sensed something went wrong and called the PD, asked her what should i do, and what is the best time to offer fever relieve medication and what is the right dosage.

the PD advised me to offer medication when the fever is over 100F (armpit), the best time to offer is right before she sleeps (so that she could sleep better). the PD also mentioned, if fever is over 102F (armpit), that will be abnormal for teething and baby needs to be checked by the PD.

the fever was gone within half an hour after medication, and only begun to develop again after 6 hours, but only low grade fever.

day 2: no fever in the morning and baby was happy and cheerful. but the fever started to develop in the afternoon, i couldn't bring her to the PD because PD was off that day and it was raining. the fever was not high, not even 100F. i bath her many times to cool her down. let her wore only diaper.

she seemed very tired, and slept all the time. i only breastfed her and she slept for the whole afternoon. she had fever over 100F at night. i offered medication before she went to bed.

day 3: still low grade fever. i brought her to the PD. doctor inspected her and said baby was definately suffering from teething. the PD also suspected viral infection (because of the high fever at day 1). she suspected roseola and coxsackie and asked me to inspect baby's body for any rashes during and after the fever.

baby was getting better at the end of the day. she didn't have any fever from evening.

day 4: no fever, no rashes. i started to believe that the 3 days fever was teething. but baby was very fussy. had mild diarrhea.

day  5: started to have rashes on her body (front and back) in the morning but the rashes went away after i cooled her down. the rashes came back at night. baby was still very fussy but the rashes didn't seem to cause itchiness.

day 6: the rashes worsen and spread to face, forehead, neck and legs. brought baby to the PD and confirmed of having roseola.

PD said the rashes would go away in few days time. meanwhile, baby could go outdoor and eat normal solid food as usual.

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