
this blog is meant for my little precious

clarice is 9m now.

(2007-07-07 22:21:28) 下一个
my little precious is 9m today. i shall record few of her tricks before i forget.

the most exciting will be she able to stand alone momentarily. she was playing with the FP learning table, suddenly she just let go both of her hands and stood on her own. that was really quick, perhaps 1 second. she was so concentrated, i wonder whether she held her breath on that moment. i was sitting at her back and saw the whole thing clearly. i immediately clap my hands, praised her loudly and proudly. she was surprise for my reaction but seems very proud of herself. she then tried few more times and she didn't fall down.

from no where, she learnt how to shake her head when she doesn't want any food anymore. now, she even shake her head when she doesn't want her daddy to carry her. i just don't know where did she pick that from.

stranger anxiety to selective stranger anxiety. she doesn't like woman and always fill her eyes with tears when any old lady tried to talk or look at her. however, she loves the company of boy, young man or even old man. she will generously show her golden smiles to them and even let them carry her.

seperation anxiety is getting worse, esp when she is sleepy. we were shopping just now and she was in my arms all the time. whenever i tried to pass her to her daddy, she cried miserably and tried to grab my shirt.

her humming is very good now. she could hum with her daddy when he rocks her to sleep. she could even do the humming in rhythm. she also use humming as way to make sure i am still with her when she is in her stroller. she hums and waits for my reply.

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Kate'sMom 回复 悄悄话 clarice is exactly 2 weeks older then kk. they surely have lots of progress in common. keep up the good work!!