
有这样一个男人,兼有着俊朗的样貌及王子般的高贵气质,他睿智幽默, 举止谈吐温文尔雅,脸上永远带著摄人心魂的温柔的微笑,他的人格魅力似二月里的春风,在你不经意时,已经渗透到你的每一寸肌肤,你的骨髓。


(2007-07-28 19:25:46) 下一个

 英翻中 by daphne from BYJ Cafe
韩翻英 by Joanne from BYJ's Quilt

[今日体育报] 2004.8.13


裴勇运的特训仍在进行中. 在1日回国的他一直保持低调. 12日下午在汉城江南某处透过本报短暂的采访, 他公开了近况.

在那里裴勇俊说"自6月16日前往美国後, 我开始全面的健身训练, 目前尚未结束. 尤其因为我还要持续只吃鸡胸糙米和蔬菜的节食计划两个多月, 因此我无法做拍广告以外的活动."

采访中看到的裴勇俊, 头发比出国前长了一点, 因为严苛的节食方式他的脸瘦了一点 并且有点晒黑. 但是因为节食和训练, 他的身体更结实. 他秀了一下腹部像石头一样坚硬的六块肌.

目前, 他每天早晚两次在健身房运动, 晚上就只在家看看书或看电影片. 他坦言健身的苦处, "虽然一开始还可以忍受, 但是说真的, 三餐都吃没有调味的食物真的会让人想抓狂." 还说," 当觉得很难熬的时候, 我脑海中就会想像是在吃一大盘的义式通心面."

裴勇俊今年下半年活动细节尚未决定. 至於电影他还没碰到心仪的作品, 也没有发现能吸引他的电视剧. 裴勇俊的经纪公司决定的基本原则是, 他新的演艺活动将以韩国作品为出发点. 一位亲近他的人士说,"在日本, 八月[冬季恋歌]播毕後, 接著, 九月初[情定大饭店]将在东京电视台播出, 因此他计画为韩国影迷演出一部作品."

另外, 裴勇俊否认说, "关於我要在日本东京附近的庙宇进行50天的武术训练纯属谣言, 不是真的". 他说, "在美国洛杉矶停留期间, 我偶尔会到东岸旅行. 我到日本是为了拍摄LOTTE的广告." 虽然本来裴勇俊预定在日本拍完四天三夜的广告後返回洛杉矶, 但是因为SONY Handcam的广告突然排定在韩国拍摄, 所以他从日本直接返国而没有再回到洛杉矶. 裴勇俊笑说, "那段期间, 日本的经纪公司安排临近东京僻静之处的一间房子让我居住, 连影迷都不知道. 似乎因此报导误会说我在做极机密的训练."


BYJ, "I live like a monk" 

[Sports Today] 8/13/04 11:44 

"I am telling you I live like a monk."

BYJ's Mom-jjang project (bodybuilding project> was still present progressve form. BYJ, who has been repeatedly moving underground since his return home on the 1st, made public how he is getting along recently through a sudden interview with STOO (Sports Today) at a place in Kangnam in Seoul in the afternoon on 12th.

BYJ told in that occasion, "the body buliding, I started in full scale since I left for the States on June 16, has not ended yet. In particular, because I have to continue dietary therapy eating only chicken breast, plain rice, and vegetable for 2 more months yet, I am in a situation I cannot do any other activities other than the training and shooting fo commercials."

BYJ met at the interview grew his hair a little longer compared to him prior to leaving country and due to hard dietary therapy, his face became a little sallow and sun-burnt. Howevere, his body became unrecognizably firm thanks to the training and the dietary therapy and the abdominal muscles he briefly showed had the shape of 王 character (six packs) set in firmly like quartz.

At present, BYJ makes his body excercising at a fitness center twice a day in AM & in PM, and in the evening he spend time mainly either reading books or watching movies at his home. He confessted the difficulty in body building, "Although it was bearable at first, to tell you the truth it is so agonizing to eat the tough food without seasoning 3 meals a day every day," and "occasionally when it is hard, I would imagine in my thought to eat pasta fully piled in a dish.

There is nothing decided in details yet on BYJ's activity for the latter half of this year. In case of movie, he has not yet met the work which is perfectly satisfactory to his heart and he also has not found a drama which attracts his attention. BYJ's agency decided a basic principle that first his resumption of the actiing activity will begin with Korean work. A close person to BYJ told, "In Japan, following the 'WLS,' which will end in August, the 'Hotelier' will be aired on a commercial station, Nippon TV. from early September. Thus, in this time he plans to appear in a work for Korean fans."

On the other hand, BYJ denied by saying 'it is not true' aboun the rumor that he had trained in Ushu for 50 days in the mountain temple near Tokyo in Japan." BYJ told, "staying nearby Los Angeles in the States, I made occasional travels to the East. I went to Japan for the shooting of commercial for the Lotte." Although BYJ was initially scheduled to return back to Los Angeles after shooting the commercial for 3 nights and 4 days in Japan, because the schedule for the shooting for commercial on the Sony Handycam in Korea was suddenly made, he stayed in Japan and return home without returning to Los Angeles. BYJ laughed, "during the time, my Japanese management company arranged a house in the quiet area near Tokyo for my place to stay so that fans would not know about it, it seemed that was falsely reported as the extreme secret training."

Reported by Kim Jaebeom, oldfield@sportstoday.co.kr  


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