My Take on Nikon and Canon
(2007-12-14 13:06:25)
First of all, let me say both are excellent system, if you are planning on long term commitment, you should only choose one of the system, don\'t choose anything else, because the other restrictions outside those two systems are just too large to overcome.
Remember lens are the key components while camera body is only accessory, which will change with time, but lens can be used for years and years.
Again, it\'s more of a personal choice, not intend to start a C vs N fight, but share with you my though process when I decide to go with Nikon.
When I started my first purchase of DSLR, there is Nikon D100 and Canon XT, D100 cost twice as much, I really want to buy the Canon, even though I have two Nikon lens and a film body, I feel the savings are significant, however after I hold the Canon in my hand for a few minutes, and with other considerations, I selected Nikon, and I am glad I did.
Here are the key concerns for me:
1. Product cycles, I prefer Nikon
Canon has faster cycles 6-12 month while Nikon has longer product cycles 18-24month, which means Nikon\'s product tend to be more mature when it\'s out, I sold my Nikon D100 for $400+, while in the same time, the Canon D30, D60 are already worthless, products become absolete so fast.
2. Consumer interest:, Nikon is more considerate
Nikon sticks with it\'s lens mount, even with the introduction of D3, the DX lens are still usable, while Canon has totally abadoned it\'s older mount, even newer lens like EF-S are not compatible with full frame cameras
3. Advanced wireless system, Nikon Wins
Both companies have good advanced systems, while Nikon has one more feature that Canon lacks, wrieless command using popup flash while Canon has to waste one external flash to trigger.
4. Raw conversion system
Nikon Capture NX is so unique that Canon doesn\'t have an answer for that
5. Ergonomic,
This is the key for me, Nikon feels more sold while Canon feels more plastic in my hand
6. Lens price
There are some lens where Nikon are more expensive while others are less, just like the few new lens are priced higher than comparable Canon, however Canon also have some lens priced way high, like the new 14mm F2.8, over $2000, even more expensive than the Nikon new 14-24 F2.8.
So I think it\'s a toss up, Canon may have more IS lens VS Nikon\'s VR, but for the most part, this should not be a deciding factors.
Some people like Canon\'s collection of F4 lens, I think it does offer something between pro grade and consumer grade, however I do feel F4 lens is good, but not good enough, you may end up traiding up, which cost you more money.
7. More pros are using Canon than Nikon,
Sure, Canon is a bigger player in professional photographer and a bigger company, Nikon trails in that area mainly due to its weaker lineup in pro sports lens, however Nikon with the introduction of the D3 and sports lens, like 400mm, 500mm, and 600mm lens, Nikon has now a very fine line up for pros, and I believe more pros now switching from Canon to Nikon, not vice versa.
Anyway just my thoughts, sorry I am at the Las Vegas airport, cannot type Chinese, but just like to express my opinon.