

照看圣家的女子Josie--解读 1010-17

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照看圣家的女子Josie---解读 1010-17 


此灵异解读由凯西在弗吉尼亚海滨市的办公室于42621日给出。由ARE成员[1010] 提出解读要求。此解读作为1942年会的一部分。

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office ofthe Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of June,1942, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [1010], AssociateMember of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. Mrs. [1010] offeredher Reading as a part of the 1942 Congress program, a copy to be included inthe Congress Booklet.

出席人P R E S E N T

Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1010], Gladys& Charles Dillman, Julia Chandler, Beulah H. Emmet, Beatrice & RichmondSeay, Rosa & Joshua Manning, Hannah & Noah Miller, Frances Y. Morrow,Ruth LeNoir, Marion Wolfe, Helen & Marsden Godfrey, Esther Wynne, EvelynCruser, Mae Verhoeven, Evelyn R. Gimbert, Ruth Denny, Beverly & RileySimmons, Sally & Hugh Lynn Cayce, Malcolm H. Allen, Mignon Helms, RebaBennett, Mildred Tansey, Eula Allen, Mildred White, Patricia White, and others.

内容R E A D I N G

解读给出时间东部战争时间11:35 12:05

Time of Reading 11:35 to 12:05 A. M. Eastern War Time.

格秋:你会有在地球层面上的[1010]的生命存在,[1010] 出生于187146日的威斯康辛Black River Falls。此个体曾作为Josie,是圣家三口玛丽亚、耶稣和约瑟夫的女帮手(*[1010] 的生命解读1010-12),经历了导师(指耶稣)的童年时代。对生命解读中提及的那次转世的历史会为提供大量的历史资料打下基础,你要给出那世此个体的生活描述,从开始如果进入地球层面到个体的离去,并给出那次存在有成长还是迟滞。你将回答可能提出的问题。

1. GC: You will have before you the life existence in theearth plane of [1010], nee [1010], born April 6, 1871, in Black River Falls,Wisconsin; and the earthly existence of this entity as Sophie or Josie, ahandmaid to Mary, Jesus and Joseph, throughout the childhood of the Master.Considering the reference in her Life Reading that a history of thisincarnation "would lay the foundation for giving a great deal of historicaldata," you will give a biographical life of the entity in that day andplane of earthly existence, from entrance - and how - into the earth's plane,and the entity's departure; giving the development or retarding points in suchan existence. You will answer the questions that may be asked:

2. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known asor called [1010], in the present; as Josie in the Palestineexperience and activities; together with the information which has beenindicated through these channels.


3. In giving the biographical life of the entity Josie, much ofthose activities might be indicated that brought about those later relationshipswith Mary, the mother of Jesus.

正如我们以及概述过的,那时有一个特别的团体一直在准备于这个时期期望发生的事件(*指迎接救赎者耶稣的降临,译者注) 。爱色尼团体选择了十二个可能(符合圣母条件)的女子。这些选择是基於灵性的选择的,Josie---ShemMephibosheth的女儿是其中之一。
4. As has been outlined from here, there were those specialgroups of individuals who had made some preparations for the expectedactivities that were to come about during that particular period; especiallythose of the Essenes who had chosen the twelve maidens to indicatetheir fitness. This choice was to be made by those selections indicated by thespirit, and Josie was the daughter of Shem and Mephibosheth that was amongthese.

5. This entity, Josie, was close to Mary when the selection wasindicated by the shadow or the angel on the stair, at that period of consecrationin the temple. This was not the temple in Jerusalem,but the temple where those who were consecrated worshiped, or a school - as it might be termed- for those who might be channels.

这是爱色尼团体的一个部分,由Judy领导。她理解和解释埃及的经验和活动,即美丽之殿(TempleBeautiful)和奉献之殿(Templeof Sacrifice)的那些服务。正是在这个神圣奉献的地方,(圣母的) 选择发生了。
6. This was a part of that group of Essenes who, headed by Judy, made those interpretations ofthose activities from the Egyptian experience, - as the Temple Beautiful, and the service in the Temple of Sacrifice. Hence it was in this consecrated place where this selection took place.

这样当时机成熟玛丽亚许配给约瑟夫时,她将生产我们的救赎人、救世主、和平王子、道路、真理(耶稣) 出生后,Judy发出指令要选出一个人去陪伴新生父母前往埃及的旅途。当三博士来访没有返回去报告希律王后,情况变得严峻起来:王令下达---从六个月大到两岁的小孩均要处死,尤其在从伯利恒到Nazareth地区。
7. Then, when there was the fulfilling of those periods when Marywas espoused to Joseph and was to give birth to the Savior, the Messiah, thePrince of Peace, the Way, the Truth, the Light, - soon after this birth therewas the issuing of the orders first by Judy that there should be someoneselected to be with the parents during their period of sojourn in Egypt. This was owing to the conditions which arose fromthe visit of the Wise Men and their not returning to Herod to report, when thedecrees were issued that there should be the destruction of the children ofthat age from six months to two years, especially in that region from Bethanyto Nazareth.

此个体Josie被兄弟会---现在称为白光兄弟会(White Brotherhood)选出,作为是圣家三口玛丽亚、耶稣和约瑟夫的助手或陪伴,一起避往埃及。
8. Thus this entity, Josie, was selected or chosen by those ofthe Brotherhood, - sometimes called White Brotherhood in the present, - as thehandmaid or companion of Mary, Jesus and Joseph, in their flight into Egypt.

旅途开始于一个傍晚,穿过巴勒斯坦的部分地区,从Nazareth到埃及的边境,(他们) 只于夜间行走。
9. This began on an evening, and the journey - through portionsof Palestine, from Nazarethto the borders of Egypt - was made only during the night.

10. Do not understand that there was only Joseph, Mary, Josieand the Child. For there were other groups that preceded and followed; thatthere might be the physical protection to that as had been considered by thesegroups of peoples as the fulfilling of the Promised One.

11. In the journeys to Egypt, little of great significance might be indicated,but the care and attention to the Child and the Mother was greatly in the handsof this entity, Josie, through that journey.

在埃及期间,(他们) 住在当时被叫做亚力山大的地方,或附近。
12. The period of sojourn in Egypt was in and about, or close to, what was then Alexandria.

13. Josie and Mary were not idle during that period of sojourn,but those records - that had been a part of those activities preserved inportions of the libraries there - were a part of the work that had beendesignated for this entity. And the interest in same was reported to theBrotherhood in the Judean country.

14. The sojourn there was a period of some four years, - fouryears, six months, three days.

15. When there were those beginnings of the journey back to thePromised Land, there were naturally - from some of the records that had beenread by the entity Josie, as well as the parents - the desires to know whetherthere were those unusual powers indicated in this Child now, - that was inevery manner a normal, developed body, ready for those activities of childrenof that particular period.

16. But do not interpret same in the light of childhood in thineown land in the present, - more in the light of the oriental. For, remember, Egypt as well as parts of Galileewere the customs and activities of those to whom the care of this physicalentity was entrusted through that early sojourn in the earth.

回来后到了Capernum---而不是(记载的)Nazareth,这不仅是希律王死了的政治因素的考虑,也是因为希律王死后王国的分裂;而且会是部分兄弟会传道或教导(的地方)--- 这是在那个地区爱色尼团体的领袖之一Judy指导下的。
17. The return was made to Capernum, - not Nazareth, - not onlyfor political reasons owing to the death of Herod but the division that hadbeen made with the kingdom after the death of Herod; and that there might bethe ministry or teaching that was to be a part of the Brotherhood, - supervisedin that period by Judy, as among the leaders of the Essenes in that particular period.

这样(耶稣) 大多数早期的教育和活动,都是由那个地区的领导安排和指导的一些特别的经历,而Josie则密切管理和执行。尽管从兄弟会的观点来看,个体的服务(指对圣家的服务)不是必须的,但她更愿意留下,直到年轻的导师被送出去学习---先是波斯,后来是印度,再后来又是埃及,就在那里一切完满。
18. Hence much of the early education, the early activities,were those prompted or directed by that leader in that particular experience,but were administered by - or in the closer associations by - Josie. Thoughfrom the idea of the Brotherhood the activities of the entity were no longernecessitated, the entity Josie preferred to remain - and did remain until thoseperiods when there was the sending or the administering of the teachings to theyoung Master, first in Persia and later in India, and then in Egypt again - where there were the completions.

此个体Josie回来后,忙於所有的教育任务,还包括照看孩子的身体和有关家务琐事。Josie同其他人与是玛丽亚和约瑟夫一起入城---圣城耶路撒冷,那时(耶稣) 十二岁。耶稣不见时(*少年耶稣到圣殿里与RABBI辩论去了,译者注),玛丽亚和约瑟夫以为Josie与耶稣在一起,但他们在圣殿找到了他。
19. But the entity, Josie, following the return, was active inall the educational activities as well as in the care of the body and theattending to those things pertaining to the household duties with everydeveloping child. And Josie was among those who went with Mary and Joseph whenthey went to the city, or to Jerusalem,at the time of the age of twelve. It was thought by Joseph and Mary that it wasin the care of Josie that He had stayed, when He was missed, in those periodswhen there was the returning to find Him in the temple.

在各种事件的过程中,Josie一直与玛丽亚在一起。是否有人会想在准备埋葬(耶稣) 身体时,是Josie拿来香料和油膏来圣洁那个她在小的时候亲自照料的那个身体?
20. Josie was with Mary throughout those activities. And is itany wonder that when there were those preparations of the body for burial thatJosie was the one who brought the spices, the ointments that were to consecrate the preparations of this body for whom it hadcared through those early periods of its experience in the earth?

21. Through that period Josie never married, and was known amongthe Holy Women throughout the period; coming and persuading the Mother, Mary,when there was the arrest, to come to Jerusalem.

22. The entity passed on through those periods of riotsfollowing the beheading of James, the brother of John.

23. Ready for questions.


24. (Q) What association with the entity who is now [294] did Ihave in the Palestine experience?
(A) The teacher of the Master knew only of Lucius through those activities in Laodicea,- for he came at the time of Pentecost, see?


答:这些资料也正如来自东方的博士们所讲得,通过记录我们看到的星。这些资料和记录包含了你们今天称为星象预测,还有那些整理出的所有时期的救世主的预言。这些资料一直是Carmel---由以利亚(Elijah) 以前建立的部分。而以利亚就是先行者施洗约翰---(耶稣的) 表兄弟。所有这些都成为记录的一部分,不仅包括了孩子父母的工作,还有他们旅途去过的地方,结交过的人物和这些人的特长,孩子会接触的自然界以及环境因素;还包括了孩子穿过的衣服对其它孩童有治愈能力等,因为完美的生命可以传递生命的本身健康的能力。同样在今天,许多个体在他们的灵性层面放射出健康、生命的精华,这种震动对任何身体形式的疾病有毁坏功能。这些都是Josie研读的。
25. (Q) What was the nature of the records studied by Josie in Egypt?
(A) Those same records from which the men of the East said and gave, "Bythose records we have seen his star." These pertained, then, to what youwould call today astrological forecasts, as well as those records which hadbeen compiled and gathered by all of those of that period pertaining to thecoming of the Messiah. These had been part of the records from those in Carmel,in the early experiences, as of those given by Elijah, - who was theforerunner, who was the cousin, who was the Baptist. All of these had been apart of the records - pertaining not only to the nature of work of the parents butas to their places of sojourn, and the very characteristics that would indicatethese individuals; the nature and the character that would be a part of theexperiences to those coming in contact with the young Child; as to how thegarments worn by the Child would heal children. For the body being perfectradiated that which was health, life itself. Just as today, individuals mayradiate, by their spiritual selves, health, life, that vibration which isdestruction to dis-ease in any form in bodies. These were the characters andnatures of things studied by Josie.

For, is it not quoted oft, "All of these things she kept and pondered themin her heart"? With what? With the records that Josie aswell as herself had seen. These records were destroyed, of course, in a muchlater period.


答:这些仅涵盖了6岁到16---与兄弟会的教义相符,也有法规的训练,包括那时的犹太法规或者称摩西律。这些均依照(耶稣)身体的发展情况由父母和陪伴据相应的指导而研读和解释(给耶稣) 。记住,他如普通人一样,一样地成长。那些看到神性的人们是因为将所有的信任都寄予上帝!对每一个父母只要将每日的生命奉献出来,你们的后代也会被上帝呼唤:去服务---去荣耀神、荣耀你们自己!
26. (Q) Can any more details be given as to the training of theChild?
(A) Only those that covered that period from six years to about sixteen, whichwere in keeping with the tenets of the Brotherhood; as well as that training inthe law, - which was the Jewish or Mosaic law in that period. This was read,this was interpreted in accordance with those activities defined and outlinedfor the parents and the companions of the developing body. Remember and keep inmind, He was normal, He developed normally. Those about Him saw thosecharacteristics that may be anyone's who wholly puts the trust in God! And toevery parent might it not be said, daily, dedicate thy life that thy offspringmay be called of God into service - to the glory of God and to the honor of thyname!

27. We are through.

[ 打印 ]