


(2006-09-04 17:44:15) 下一个


. . that contentment that can only come with the knowledge of His peace abiding ever with thee; for with His peace there comes contentment, no matter what may be the vicissitudes of life, whether in trials as of the mental surroundings, whether in the trials as of material conditions or positions, there can come--with that peace--that contentment of heart and mind, that He is in His holy temple and all is well with those who have made Him the ideal . . .  






"Fear not, I am with thee." This should be upon the mind, the heart; that there may be the renewing of the life-flow in the blood of the body, that the organs thereof may be attuned to the spirituality . .


不要害怕,我与你同在。 这句话应映在思想里、刻在心上;这样将会有崭新的生命流经身体的血液,所有器官就会与灵力和谐


凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 1089-2


Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it.






For the very fact that ye find yourself conscious of being alive, of being capable of suffering disappointments, capable of being aware of missing something within thine own experience in the present--disappointed in people, disillusioned with your own family--should make you aware that God is mindful of thee and that thou hast forgotten God. Then in thy spiritual life, in thy spiritual purpose lies the answer in thy problems, physical, mental, material, spiritual. For when ye have set thine own house in order, regardless of what others may say, begin to read first the 19th of Exodus and the 5th verse, and see in whom ye may trust, where thy mind and thy soul may find rest. Consider what spirit, what purpose, what desire must occupy thy mind.  





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