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这个灵异解读由凯西在他的弗吉尼亚海滨市ARE的办公室中,于1944415日给出。解读要求由[4087]的父亲提出,[2455] 女士推荐。

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 15th day of April, 1944, in accordance with request made by the father - Mr. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mrs. [2455].


出席:凯西;格秋(GC)---主导人;戴维斯---速记;[4087] 的父亲等。

Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.) [4087]''s father, Esther Wynne, Mignon Helms, Harmon Bro and others.


[4087] 出生于1938324日,罗德岛。解读给出时间东部战时时间下午405-425
Born March 24, 1938, Bristol, Rhode Island. Time of Reading ... Street, P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Rhode Island.


1. GC: You will give the relations of this entity and the universe, and the universal forces; giving the conditions which are as personalities, latent and exhibited in the present life; also the former appearances in the earth plane, giving time, place and the name, and that in each life which built or retarded the development for the entity; giving the abilities of the present entity, that to which it may attain, and how. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:

凯西:是的,我们有个这个现在叫做[4087] 的个体的记录。
2. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as or called [4087].

3. As we find, there are great possibilities but there are also great problems to be met with the training and the direction for this entity through the formative years.

4. For as we find this entity has more than once been among those who were gifted with what is sometimes called second sight, or the super-activity of the third eye. Whenever there is the opening, then, of the lyden (Leydig) center and the kundaline forces from along the pineal, we find that there are visions of things to come, of things that are happening.

5. Yet in the use of these through some experiences, as we will find, the entity is in the present meeting itself. For the entity was the prophet who warned Jereboam. Read it! You will see why he is not to listen at all of those who may counsel him as to the manner in which he is to use the abilities that have been and are a portion of the entity's experience; but to trust in Him who is the way.

6. Do not get away from the church! In the church keep these activities, that there may be surety in self that has to do or to deal with only the use of such insight, such vision, to the glory of the Father as manifested in the Son.

7. Do not use such for gratifying, satisfying, or even encouraging the entity to use such. But do train the entity in the use of divine purpose, divine desire. For if the purpose and the desire is right, we may find that the entity may - as in the experience before this - use the activities for the benefit of his fellow man.

8. For in the use of the power that has been a portion of the entity's consciousness there may come help to many.

9. For in the experience before this the entity attempted to buy same from Peter. Hence that tendency, that realization that the misuse of same may bring destructive forces into the experience.

10. In that experience the entity being warned, as he asked "Pray that I may be forgiven for the thought that such might be purchased," he was forgiven. For as it was indicated, "What thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, what thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." There we find that the entity through that experience used the ability granted through such for a greater understanding, a greater interpretation. For all of God that any individual may know is already within self. It is in the application and the practice of same within self, in its relations to its desires, its hopes, its fears, and to its fellow man. For as ye sow, ye must reap.

11. Before that the entity was the prophet of Judah who was sent to Jereboam to warn him, and who brought about the withering of the hand, and also the healing of same; yet turned aside when faced with that in which the mind said "A more excellent way."

12. There are no short cuts. What God hath commanded is true. For the law of the Lord is perfect and it converteth the soul.

13. Here the parents have a real, real obligation. They have a real, real opportunity. So live in self that thine own lives may be an example to this entity through its formative years. So teach, not let it be given to someone else - so teach, for it is thy responsibility, not the priest's, not a teacher's, NOT a minister's responsibility, but thine. Don't put it off. Don't neglect, or else ye will meet self again.

在教导时应先认识自我。他应该被称作Joseph。教导开始时,认真阅读出埃及记195-- “如果你聆听内心的声音,主有一个特殊的工作、一个特别的认为给你;但你必须聆听来自内部的声音,使你的身体成为一个活生生的奉献,圣洁并为主接受,这就是服务。那些被呼唤和选择成为信使的,有更大的责任;不是作为圣徒,因为在天堂中,一个罪人的欢乐比九十九个那些满足于自己作为的圣徒的欢乐还多。
14. In the training let it first begin with self, as with the entity [4087]. Joseph he should be called. Let the training begin with that indicated in Exodus 19:5 - "If thou will harken to the voice, He hath a special work, a special mission for thee - but thou must harken to the voice within, that ye present thy body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him, which is a reasonable service." For they who have been called, who have been ordained to be messengers have the greater responsibility; not as a saint - for there is more joy in heaven over one sinner than ninety and nine who are so-called saints, or those who are themselves satisfied with that they do.

15. Then study that interpreted in Romans. Ye will find it is not from somewhere else, not from out of the blue, not from overseas, not from before the altar. For thy body is indeed the temple and there he may indeed meet his Maker. There indeed may he meet himself. There indeed may he open the door of his own consciousness so that the Master may walk and talk with him.

16. Do not discourage, do not encourage the visions - until the first lessons are learned.

17. Then there will be the needs that THOU, as well as others, take heed to the warnings this entity may be sent to give.

18. We are through for the present.

Two copies to Father Copy to Ass'n file " for indexing

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