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Cayce's 7 Prophecies Yet To Come


1. Can We Live Forever?

我们发现自从有了这个身体以来发生了许多变化---好的变化。许多器官和生理状况的改变始于自然老化,或者说是身体屈服于系统的老化和使用。大多数的这类问题都可以被克服。人类应该活的比目前普通情况长久得多,并且可以按自己的意愿而活!          解读244-2。给出时间261018日。
"Now, we find there are many changes in the body since we have had this - many for good. Many of the organs and the conditions show the changes as come about by the natural, or so called natural conditions in changes as the body succumbs to the effects of age or usage in the system. Much of this may be overcome. (Man should live much longer than has been ordinarily given - and will!)" Edgar Cayce Reading 244-2 – October 18, 1926


2. Can a Perpetual Motion Machine Be Designed – a Machine That "Fuels" Itself?

“[900] 问:你将讲述由[4666] 发明的无燃油马达。

凯西:是的,我们有了[4666] 的身体和他询问的思想,以及有关完善那台可以靠自身运行生产动力的马达。我们已经讲过的其工作原理是




解读4665-1  给出时间192838

"[900]: You will have before you the gasless motor invented by [4666].
"EC: Yes, we have the body and enquiring mind of [4666], also the associations and those conditions surrounding the perfection of motor which will develop power in its own action. As has been given, the idea and the plans as have been worked out in part along those lines that pull more of the power as produced in compression in drum, with the leads made in these forms that gather vibrations from the air as is forced through drum, are, as we find, the better application of the created energy. In the cams [as] have been used too much slack or play is allowed in their rotation. This is in the drum's head action that these must be shortened in play.
"The connection of [195] and [900] with same - best that these have [4666]'s operations closer under their observations when the completed product is near attained.
"(Q) How may we bring him under our observation? (A) Bring him to ... Ohio or N.Y.
"(Q) Is this machine the same as brought to Washington now by Lindbergh? [Charles A. Lindbergh] (A) No. As is here, the [4666] machine would operate on stationary conditions impelling forces; even for now that in gas motors - for, as tested by others, has more to do with that thrown in air and gaining its impelling force from that source.
"(Q) Would it operate perpetually if perfected? (A) Not perpetually, but once started could be kept in motion by created energy of its own source. Other has to have some source of impellation." Edgar Cayce reading 4665-1 – March 8, 1928


3. Are We in the Midst of a "Religious War"?


解读2542-1  给出时间41724日。

"Hence in the present, train the entity in law - diplomatic law; that will have to deal with many countries, many problems - not only political but social and religious. For, eventually the entity will see a religious war." Edgar Cayce reading 2542-1 –July 24, 1941


4. Is a New "Root Race" Evolving?
完全理解后方可进入(指吉沙高地的密室) ,因为无法通过防护层,除非是第五人类开始

解读5748-6  给出时间193271

"This may not be entered without an understanding, for those that were left as guards may not be passed until after a period of their regeneration in the Mount, or the fifth root race begins." Edgar Cayce reading 5748-6 – July 1, 1932


5. Will the Three Halls of Records Be Discovered?

如我们已经指出的,… …有三处:在沉下去亚特兰提斯大陆中,有一块叫波塞地亚(Poseidia),有一个神殿的部分将被发现,那一个神殿就在经历多世的海水下面---佛罗里达海岸外的一个现称比迷尼(Bimini) 岛附近;在埃及的记录殿里;还有一个记录被运到美洲的尤开敦(Youcatan) ,在那里人们正在发现那些石头 (尽管人们对其知之甚少)

解读  440-5  给出时间331220


解读1436-3  时间193799

"As to where the records are - in the hall of records not yet opened!" Edgar Cayce reading 1436-3 – September 9, 1937


6. Will There Be a Second Coming?



解读262-49  时间:193379日。

"(Q) What is meant by 'the day of the Lord is near at hand'? (A) That as has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time - and half time - has been and is being fulfilled in this day and generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, even as ye have seen him go." Edgar Cayce reading 262-49 – July 9, 1933


7. What Is the Shape of the World to Come?

在随后的岁月里,陆地将会在大西洋和太平洋里升起。现在的许多海岸线将成为洋底。现在的(二战)战场也好变成海洋、海湾。现在的纽约东北部部分,就是纽约市将消失。当然,这又要一个世代。而卡罗琳娜和佐治亚的南部也会消失,这会更近一些。五大湖将会取道流往海湾,而不是最近在讨论的水道方向。如果能够早日修好通往(墨西哥)海湾的水道将会有所帮助。此个体所在的地方(弗吉尼亚海滨市) 将会是安全的地方,还有Ohio, IndianaIllinois的部分地区,还包括加拿大的南部和东部地区。而西部大部分地区则有麻烦,当然还其它地方。

解读1152-11   给出时间:1931813日。


"In the next few years lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which the new order will carry on their trade as one with another. Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia - these will disappear. This will be much sooner. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway over which such discussions have been recently made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present being considered. Then the area where the entity is now located [Virginia Beach for reading] will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada; while the western land - much of that is to be disturbed - in this land - as, of course, much in other lands. Edgar Cayce reading 1152-11 -- August 13, 1931

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