


(2006-06-30 00:00:22) 下一个


现在是整个世界的人们关注关于灵魂和心智的神秘性的时候,正如我的祖父爱德加凯西在他的入定状态---在那种去意识状态下他表现出令人惊讶的特异能力---所讲的那样。他那预言性的言语为这个世界上越来越多人们所认识,并将其使用于对日常生活种种现象的理解,同时于其中寻求关于身体健康和心智开发的帮助和智慧。例如,根据国家意见研究理事会(National Opinion Research Council) 最近的民意调查显示,有将近50%的成人相信与已逝去的人有过某种接触。这一数据是十年前的一倍。有三分之二的人有过超感知(E.S.P.)体验,而十年前这个数据只有现在的一半。













It is a time in the earth when people all over the world "seek to know more of the mysteries of the mind, the soul," said my grandfather Edgar Cayce in an unconscious trance, from which he demonstrated a remarkable gift for clairvoyance. His words are prophetic even today as more and more people all over the world, in these unsettled times, are turning to psychic explanations of daily events, as well as for additional help and insights re garding their own health and development. For example, according to a recent survey by the National Opinion Research Council, nearly half of the adults today believe they have been in contact with someone who has died, a figure twice that of ten years ago. Two thirds of all adults say they have had an E.S.P. experience; ten years ago that figure was only one half.

Every culture throughout history has made note of its own members' gifted powers beyond the five senses. These rare individuals held special interest because they seemed to provide insights to life's pressing problems. America in the twenty-first century is no exception.

Edgar Cayce was perhaps the most famous and carefully documented psychic of our time. He began to use his unusual abilities when he was a young man, and from then on for over forty years he would, usually twice a day, lie on a couch and go into a sleep-like trance state, and respond to questions. Over 14,000 of these discourses, called readings, were carefully transcribed by his secretary and preserved by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, VA. These psychic readings continue to provide inspiration; insight and physical help to tens of thousands of people.

Having only an eighth grade education, Edgar Cayce lived a plain, simple life by the world's standards. As early as childhood in Hopkinsville KY, however, he sensed he had unusual intuitive abilities. While alone he had a vision of a woman who told him he would have the ability to help people. Other times he related having experiences of "seeing" dead relatives. Once while struggling with school lessons he slept with his head on his spelling book and awakened knowing the entire contents of the book.

As a young man he experimented with hypnosis to treat his own recurring throat problem, which had caused him to lose his speech. He discovered that under hypnosis he could diagnose and describe treatments for the physical ailments of others, often without knowing or seeing the person with the ailment. People began to ask him other sorts of questions and he was able to answer these as well.

In 1910 the New York Times published a two page story with pictures about Edgar Cayce's psychic ability as described by a young physician, Wesley Ketchum, to a clinical research society in Boston. From that time on people from all over America, with every conceivable question, sought his help.

Before he died in 1945 my grandfather gave readings about the tremendous, positive potentials of China and its people. It seems to me that the world is watching those positive potentials develop at this time. Hopefully Winston Cui's descriptions of the work of my grandfather will provide insights and inspiration for the people of China at this time.


Charles Thomas Cayce


Excutive director, A.R.E.

President, Edgar Cayce Foundation
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