


(2006-06-21 00:05:26) 下一个



这个灵异解读由凯西于1934126日在纽约市公园路410号的哈汀斯(Mr. and Mrs. T. Mitchell Hastings)夫妇家中给出。由探索和领悟协会成员[442] 先生要求。

出席:凯西;休林,导读人;戴维斯,速记;[442] 先生



1. EC: Yes, we have the entity here, [442].

凯西:是的,我们有个体[442] 在此。

2. In considering the activities of the mental and soul body of an entity, in relations to its activities or its purposes in any given experience, something of that which has been builded in the soul development is necessary to be referred to as comparison, that there may be presented in a comprehensible way and manner that for mental and soul expansion in any given activity.


3. In this entity, [442], we find in the varied experiences or appearances through its activity in the environs, more of the developments than of retardments. While in varied experiences there are seen periods when indecisions and the particular activity made for rather the retarding, in the whole we have found that with the application of that which has become apparent in the present experience - as to what has been set as the ideals and principles by which the application of life in a given appearance or experience may be in a direction or in accordance with the entity's own judgements - the development has been in accord with an ideal. Making for, then, in self, patience - which has been pointed by Him who is the Giver of life as being the qualification in every entity's experience through the application of which every entity becomes aware of possessing a soul, that birthright which is the gift of the Father to each and every entity that may be presented before the Throne of thrones, before the Holy of holies, in a holy and acceptable way and manner.

对於此个体---[442] ,我们发现在其经历的各种环境的游历里,所取得的进展远大於其退步。在某些阶段有些忧柔寡断等活动看上去是一种迟滞,但就整体进程来说,其目前表现的实践活动与那一个指引或和谐个体的判断之理想相吻合,就是说其灵魂发展与其理想是一致的。在自我中---同时由那赋予我们生命的祂所指出的---知晓凭借耐心我们将意识到拥有灵魂---那天父给予每个灵魂个体的的与生俱来的权利,是的我们可以以圣灵的姿态站立在王座之王座前、圣地之圣地上,为祂所接受。

4. In righteousness, then - as is found in patience, that has become the worthy attribute of the soul of this entity, in tolerance and in patience, has come the awareness of the continuity of life - and that the soul is that which is individual of each and every body as it finds expression in the material world, which lives on and on in those environs that have been created by what that soul has seen and comprehended in its experience as being according to those directions as He, the Father, the Lord of all, would have each and every soul be.


5. Then, as we find in the experiences of this entity, these have become worthy attributes, as these are well pleasing in His eyes; so that there may only be given that injunction, "Be not weary in well-doing, for he that endureth unto the end shall wear the crown of life." The crown of life here means being aware of those abilities within self to know that the self, the ego, the I, is in accord with, is aware of, the divine protection that has and does come to each and every soul that fulfills its mission in any experience.


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