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(2007-10-09 06:11:23) 下一个

Delivering: Mr Lulu 1.0/09/2007 billion (90 reads)[ accumulates23920 tothe Beijing standard time to apportion luluto send intimate conversation]

Subject: Center Burmese relations: Dirty transaction

[Abundant news forum] in September the last ten days of the month, Burma erupts 100,000 ginsengs with, the lasted two week-long democracies big demonstration, in view of the fact that this democratic movement takes the lead by the multitudinous clergy, the history calls "the cassock revolution". This democracy demonstration, encounters the Burmese military government as usual the rank smell of blood suppression. The authority foreign declared has 10 people to kill, but rebels and flee the military officer according to it to expose: Over a thousand people are killed, several thousand people are arrested. This tallies with the Burmese folk view.

The world vision goes to Burma, also goes to China. Because, everybody knew, the Chinese government, is the Burmese government only and the most biggest backer. This kind of relations, must trace on in the century the leaf. The Chinese Communist Party captures the political power after China, also transfers but to Southeast Asia on a large scale "the output" the revolution. At first, the Chinese Communist Party attempts to cultivate the Burmese communist party, but belongs to the defeat; Thereupon transfers supports depends on the Burmese armed force political power which the coup d'etat comes on stage. Afterwards, the Chinese Communist Party political power and the Burmese armed force political power, is thick as thieves, the number ten years like a day, is known as "the brethren friendship".

In 1988, the Burmese eruption democratic movement, suffered the armed force political power to conquer by killing, more than 3,000 people got killed, was is in 1989 China "64" the massacre preview; This year, Rangoon once again erupts the democracy demonstration, encounters the armed force political power rank smell of blood suppression once again, by outside is Beijing "64" massacre repeating. Respective manufacture massacre, respectively receives the international sanction, center the Burmese two dictatorships political power, tightly will tie up in the same place.

The Chinese Communist Party pounds down 1.5 billion US dollars in Burma, establishes the high tech electron monitoring and the operational network system, the one north south the first, a big small two dictatorships political power company is a body. Using this set of system, two dictatorships political power, may monitor the Burmese crown race, the Chinese race together (the Burmese Chinese people) and the tile race and so on national minority's guerrilla force activity; At the same time, monitors together after Indian Ocean and Malacca channel all ships, including American battleship; Said to China, but also may taking the opportunity monitor it "the strategy competitor" - - India.

When the perverse actions Burmese armed force political power becomes the international society, and even Southeast Asia's abandoned babies and orphan's time, the Chinese Communist Party does not blush with shame stands behind the Burmese armed force political power, fills Burmese the international vacuum. China repayment which obtains from the Burmese side, is this country's energy and the resources: Petroleum, natural gas, gem and lumber. Only in 2005, China on imported 350 million US dollar above lumber from Burma, majority is the illegal transaction, down to, center the Burmese frontier precious virgin forest is nearly felled light; In 2005, China opens 18.5 billion US dollars days prices, plans to purchase the American superior Nepal branch (Unocal) the petroleum company, one of reasons lies in, the superior Nepali branch has in the Burmese coast elegantly reaches that oil-gas field, this oil-gas field has surpasses 140 billion cubic meters gas reserves, once the extension turns over to the Chinese Communist Party, its potential cannot imagines. Chinese Communist Party's purchase, because the American government and the people opposed, finally lets slip; Now, center Burma start to construct pulls the ridge from the Burmese Asia (Arakan) to the Chinese Yunnan Province, the span 2,380 kilometers petroleum gas line.

The Beijing aspect, the center Burma relations, describes for merely is the economics and trade relations vigorously. However, the Chinese Communist Party gives Burma the massive military and the economic aid, mainly with relates by the consolidated bilateral government, then consolidated two dictatorships political power rule. After all, such dictatorship rule, in the world, already gradually changed scarcely, the orphans and widows completed the order form, just like the rare animal which bordered on exterminates, the natural need "the orangutan pitied".

The Chinese Communist Party in Burma's massive investments, has not certainly brought the prosperity to Burma, the populace has not brought the actual benefit for Burma. The Burmese populace still sink into impoverished. But actually in the government corrupt aspect, Burma imitates China, blindly follows suit. Last year, the Burmese armed force Dan Switzerland held the grand wedding ceremony for his/her daughter, 10 minutes wedding ceremonies short films, rapidly spread on the Internet, extremely initiated the Burmese populace to be angry. In the lens, Dan Switzerland's daughter Dan reach Switzerland to wear gold and silver, the whole body is bedecked with jewels; Wedding ceremony luxurious, is to the utmost extravagant, just like the old time the imperial family; Wedding ceremony atmosphere, luxurious obscene, dissolute human body. All these, fully demonstrate the Burmese military privileged stratum and general populace's huge Poor, rich, disparity. "International is transparent" the organization newest announcement "the embezzlement impression index" in the report, Burma and Somalia will juxtapose for the global most corrupt country.

After Burmese eruption democracy demonstration, United Nations and the civilized country, all place hopes in China, counted on the Beijing authority can exert pressure to the Burmese armed force political power, do not have to suppress the populace; The international society also a more impractical prospect to Beijing: Let the Burmese military government and the populace converses, then realizes Burma "the political reconciliation".

The Burmese populace suffer the result once again which the armed force political power conquers by killing, proved, the outside to Chinese Communist Party's prospect, radically is climbs a tree to catch a fish. But why, but also must know may not for but for it? Investigates its reason, a piece because it cannot be helped: The Burmese crisis, circles only China, does not have the Chinese Communist Party political power the cooperation, the Burmese question, forever does not have the solution; Two pieces stem from fantasized that, Thought the Chinese Communist Party obstructs in 2008 the Beijing Olympic Games, takes into consideration own international image, possibly acts on behalf of to restrict the Burmese armed force political power, does not have to commit evil acts.

Does not need to say that, stemming from the common dictatorship natural disposition, Chinese Communist Party itself acts in collusion with the Burmese armed force political power; Even if said that, the Chinese Communist Party takes into consideration the Beijing Olympic Games, wants the strategy to exert pressure to the Burmese armed force political power, also not necessarily can manage obtains. Burmese armed force political power innate abacus: If it loses the control ability, Chinese Communist Party without hesitation will get rid of it, will transfer but cooperates with the Burmese opposition faction; If it can be in control of the situation, the Chinese Communist Party will be able not but to continue to give it to support. Must stand firm Chinese Communist Party this big backers, then evades the World Court the prosecution, the Burmese armed force political power only choice, is suppresses and slaughters carries through to the end

Therefore, speaks of to the Burmese armed force political power exerts pressure, the Chinese Communist Party unintentionally also is already incapable. Chinese Communist Party's diplomatic compound as always: "We appeal all quarters maintenance restraint." Said is "all quarters", but is not "the Burmese government". This is just like: The murder recidivist commits murder once again which facing, the populace completely all condemned that, some people do not stop the murderer, instead said any "various people maintain the restraint". Its is mystifying, self-evident。

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    送交者: lulu 于 北京时间 10/09/2007 (88 reads)
    主题:中缅关系: 肮脏的交易

    [博讯论坛] 9月中下旬,缅甸爆发10万人参与、历时两周的民主大示威,鉴于这次民主运动由众多僧侣带头,史称“袈裟革命”。这场民主示威,照例遭到缅甸军政府的血腥镇压。当局对外声称有10人被打死,但据其叛逃军官揭露:上千人被杀,数千人被捕。这与缅甸民间的说法相吻合。



    中共在缅甸砸下15亿美元,建立起高科技电子监控和作战网络系统,将一北一南、一大一小的两个独裁政权连为一体。利用这套系统,两个独裁政权,可共同监视缅甸克伦族、华族(缅甸华人)和瓦族等少数民族的游击队活动;同时,共同监视经过印度洋和马六甲海峡的所有船只,包括美国战舰;对中方来说,还可借机监视其“战略竞争对手”—- 印度。



    中共在缅甸的大量投资,并没有给缅甸带来繁荣,更没有给缅甸民众带来实惠。缅甸民众依然陷于贫困。倒是在官场腐败方面,缅甸效法中国,亦步亦趋。去年,缅甸军头丹瑞为其女儿举行盛大婚礼,10分钟的婚礼短片,迅速流传到互联网上,引发缅甸民众极度愤怒。镜头里,丹瑞的女儿丹达瑞穿金戴银,满身珠光宝气;婚礼豪华,极尽铺张,犹如旧时代的皇室;婚礼气氛,奢华淫靡,放浪形骸。这一切,充分显示缅甸军方特权阶层与广大民众的巨大贫富差距。 “国际透明”组织最新公布的“贪污印象指数”报告中,将缅甸与索马里并列为全球最腐败国家。






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