请署名: 1,人间松枫(人间怂疯); 2,留浪汉(牛狼喊)。 两个看看这些场景,与杀人放火,差多少???为什么中华民族五千多年的文明之邦,会被猴子一群搞到如此的悲惨境地? 难道?上帝在一千多年以前,预言错了?上帝不放心,又在五百多年以前,留下预言,又预言错了? 中华正国皇帝 胡德斌于欧洲。2007,3,17。
Seventh difficult Uygur power series -- difficult goes to the capital appeals for help road/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin(chart) Please look at the abundant news hot spot:Forcefully relocates 
Appeals for help the road to be why difficult, is because the local authority illegal does not change, the central authorities have not rested on "Inquiry Rule" to ask the responsibility, causes the local authority to would rather sends out the massive manpower, the physical resource to obstruct The appeal treats unjustly person but not to be willing legally to solve the problem. If strict legally asks the responsibility, cannot have two times of, three second-rate, four repeatedly goes to the capital many times appeals for help. Our Deng Fuxiang the violence relocation question is the best illustration. In May, 2003 the Nanjing municipal government sold out our world by 623 million Yuan prices to occupy and to have the legitimate land employment right Deng Fuxiang the land parcel 45,000 square meters land employment right (to be supposed to be illegally resells others' property), the selling price was: 13,844 Yuan/square meters. The government constructs uses to sell, assigns the Nanjing land reserve center, started the relocation take the land reserve name in June, 2003, the government then formulation recycling has compensated the price only as: More than 3,000 Yuan each square meter, but the developer constructs the room 230,000 square meters, the cost is 460 million Yuan adds on 623 million Yuan to be equal to 1.083 billion Yuan, the estimate profit is: For 2.597 billion Yuan ultra 2 billion Yuan. In under this huge benefit actuation, in order to gives as soon as possible the land the developer, the violence relocation started. Because the Nanjing municipal government land reserve center has not provided the property right to exchange the room, attempts to compensate the agreement by 203 verbal commands currencies to place is opened the inhabitant, actually at the same time 203 verbal commands also has the house to replace the agreement, but Xuanwu relocates manages has not throughout put out the house replacement agreement, because if carries out the house replacement agreement, then the government is unable in this relocation the benefit maximization, therefore in not legally appraised and gives the fair placement to compensate, but also embezzles the relocation to compensate the funds at will, causes to relocate both sides to be unable to reach the agreement in the situation, in order to expels in the relocation deadline is opened the populace, gives the developer the land good to let as soon as possible the developer and the government earns the sudden and huge profits. The relocation implementation unit (Nanjing Xuanwu area relocation manages) assembles the large quantities of hoodlums goon, uses the threat, the threat, beats and so on the violence illegal method forces the inhabitant signature to let the room, to inhabitant which refuses the compromise then forcefully Tows to the gate outside the main house gate, or while it is not at when the home to destroy the house, snatches in the light room the property, when has shocks China and the world "Nanjing Deng Fuxiang weng Biao self-immolation event" 99% house to demolish, also has the nearly more than 300 households not to sign the placement to compensate the agreement forcefully to demolish the housing, we are two households. Is cutted after by the illegal violence, on our Deng Fuxiang hundred households inhabitants arrive the province, the city many times, appeal for help, the request solution placement compensates the question, but the city, the area government is not willing legally to place compensates. At the coordinated meeting agreed legally places compensates repudiates a debt after the meeting, front reaches an agreement behind reneges, the court does not permit to consider, the higher authority does not ask the responsibility, is compelled helpless we only to have steps onto difficultly has gone to the capital appeals for help road of the Uygur power. On May 26, 2004, our collective first time goes to the capital appeals for help, to State Council inquiry when already missed the morning to receive the time, afternoon 1 o'clock started to line up (personnel which because each place appealed for help too many only to have outside front door waits for), a while has not come a van, got down group of people, flushed our visitors appealing to the higher authorities to shout: "The row was good, has put out the ID card inspection", had primary The appeal treats unjustly person to think is staff which the inquiry managed, put out the ID card to accept the inspection, this group of person after looked had shouted: "Shenyang, Hsuchou. . . . . . . . . " Will come up another group of people to inspect immediately the ID card to appeal for help the person to carry off. Thus and such and such we only then knew this group of person is various provinces accredits Beijing the truncation to visit the personnel to pretend to be the staff which the State Council inquiry manages. In us the personnel is also requested the inspection ID card, but we have not paid attention, whatever they begin not to say a speech only then avoids exposing the status. After afternoon 2 o'clock open the gate to enter the hall because in us a person said a south Beijing accent result is visited by the truncation the personnel to discover, Nanjing managed "Director Zha" in Beijing to bring 3 personally to carry on has kept off the truncation, but they had not thought we appealed for help altogether have 8 people, after hid them layer upon layer to block off, we only then submitted on the material to complete first to go to the capital appeal for help the road. The central authorities very much took the concurrent letter to request the Jiangsu Province construction hall at that time properly to solve and under send the country after several daysto manage send 2004 (46) the good government order. Stipulated: "Does not have to cut off the water supply, the power failure in the relocation affects the inhabitant to live, strictly prohibits compensating without the relocation placement, takes back the raw soil right of use but directly to supply the land and to provide the construction to use the authorized document." Because the Jiangsu Province construction hall firmly refuses to carry out the central authorities government order, causes the Nanjing municipal government not to be willing legally to place compensates Deng Fuxiang the inhabitant. On October 18, 2004 we go to the capital once more appeal for help, when we pass through the State Council inquiry to manage in the entrance hundred meter long truncation visits the human wall, has encountered the attack, some people are mistaken for are the truncation visitor but smoothly pass, but or is pushed pushes, some people are kicked the person which a foot, has to hit a fist, our three people because of received the injury to speak, is visited by the truncation the personnel to tow immediately, one of them received frightened falls to the ground fierce vomits and has caused the angina pectoris, other four people because nobody delivered a speech, the status has not exposed, Thus only then smooth submitted has appealed for help the material, because appealed for help the material already to submit, therefore this group of truncation visitor's reluctantly release we three people. After this time appeals for help, the central authorities send the letter the construction hall request to solve us as soon as possible once more to Jiangsu Province the question which is not placed by the violence illegal relocation compensates. But the Jiangsu Province construction hall still take could not manage Nanjing as by not to fulfill the legal supervising and managing responsibility, but the Nanjing municipal government take has not still placed the room not to give as the excuse solves our problem. On March 10, 2005 we The appeal treats unjustly person because Beijing's relatives fall ill are hospitalized, must go to the attendance, while convenient goes to the national construction department to submit our third collective to appeal for help the letter, the result is been stationed the Peking office personnel to keep off the truncation and sends under custody immediately Nanjing, has not been able to look after including Beijing's relatives on. Visits the personnel in Beijing in the Peking office truncation to say well: "So long as does not appeal for help solves the problem", after but returns to Nanjing nobody to inquire about our matter, a Xuanwu area inquiry bureau surname Bureau Chief Cai's said: "Does not have the house to take any to solve the problem". On April 3, 2005 we 8 households fourth time are compelled by the violence relocation inhabitant to go to the capital appeal for help, this time appeals for help also is most dangerous, this time appeals for help makes us not to think is the national inquiry bureau in order to greet in May on 1 newly "Inquiry Rule" the implementation, received the hall to the inquiry to carry on the renovation, all nations appealed for help the people all lined up in the yard 3 windows handle, therefore the order was very chaotic, appealed for help, the truncation visits all mixes up. Were less much the 23 securities team member radically not to be able to maintain the scene order, the large quantities of each place truncation visited the personnel to mingle among in the visitors appealing to the higher authorities, once discovered this province the visitors appealing to the higher authorities immediately tows, between our each other all did not dare in this situation to speak, Fan Zongbin wore the cotton-padded jacket to line up until the afternoon under the sun from the morning, also thirsty also was hungry, all did not dare the restroom, the speech did not dare to say, Also has to endure the truncation to visit the personnel the person and the language attack (hits, where The appeal treats unjustly person kicks a foot and so on) to probe us with this way is. We other visitors appealing to the higher authorities disperse in the yard each place, but soon Dai Changbin on is stationed the Peking office (this person is Nanjing inquiry bureau Department Head Zhang) the belt team's truncation visits by "Director Zhang" the personnel to stare at, pitiful Dai Changbin only can fit out the mute, makes the hand signal with them, whatever Department Head Zhang's person attacks by luck is only then let off until afternoon past 3 o'clock. Because has not investigated thoroughly the Fan Zongbin situation, therefore on starts to Fan Zongbin crudely to begin, when 6, 7 personally starts to have forcefully Tows to the gate outside Fan Zongbin, after goes together the week which appeals for help to improve looks loudly yells causes the securities attention this group people just now to have restrains. Soon arrives the window when Fan Zongbin, this group people already stopped at nothing, did not attend to at the field security stop begins once again, Fan Zongbin stubbornly held on the window the parapet, in person's under the and so on Dai Changbin shield was smooth has submitted the material. By now saw Nanjing inquiry bureau Department Head Zhang already was was mad clenches jaws actually also has no alternative. Why does various local authority do not hesitate all prices to manage the entrance at the State Council inquiry to keep off truncation The appeal treats unjustly person but not to visit in the national construction department entrance truncation? Because the State Council is the tube local authority, but the construction department is the tube function department, the local authority Despises the person the construction department. Only is afraid the State Council, therefore goes to the capital The appeal treats unjustly person not to go to the State Council inquiry to manage was equal to has not gone to the capital appeals for help. Certainly each The appeal treats unjustly person all hoped the central authorities can strictly ask the responsibility according to "Inquiry Rule", does not let the populace because the question not be able to obtain the thorough settlement but to appeal for help many times. Appeals for help difficultly only has the by oneself experience talented person to know that, nobody is willing to go to the capital appeals for help, all is compelled only then to leave this bad plan, will hope soon to complete the government by law government, will let the populace enjoy a good and prosperous life. Is cutted by the Nanjing municipal government violence the Yangtze River road, Deng Fuxiang which 4 years does not place the inhabitant Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin On March 13, 2007 Below is we fifth time to eighth time appeals for help the letter:
The sixth collective appeals for help the letter The Central Committee of the CCP leader, the State Council lead: Because our housing and the property are is snatched by the Nanjing municipal government, therefore the court, the procuratorate do not dare to accept. Because the higher authority government has not achieved legally supervises and manages, for two years regardless of we adopt any way not to be able to have to return to our housing and the property. On May 1 we submitted the fifth collective to the national construction department to appeal for help the letter, because the construction department according to has not been new (inquiry rule) the correlation stipulation wrote up written informs, causes us the collective to go to the capital on May 19 appeals for help. Because all levels of department responsible for the work still according to the new inquiry rule stipulation management, mutually has not shifted responsibility onto others is perfunctory, delays, goes against is not managing, causes 60 day to settle the time already, actually does not have to be authorized to the processing department to be willing to produce the written reply. This supervisor does not supervise, this is coordinated is uncoordinated, could solve solves, is pitiful our these to destroy by the government the common people which the housing, snatched the property, but also had to implore urgently government your honor sends the mercy, the housing and the property which snatched also give we. We dozens of separately seeks help from May 1 to July 1 the province construction hall, the province administration potency suit center, the municipal government, the city inquiry bureau, the city real estate bureau, the city national territory bureau (has relocated person), the Xuanwu area government (relocation implements person). Various government department all acknowledged the violence cutted is mistakenly, we proposed "legally placed, the equal in value also room, the cash pledged" the request was reasonable. May be is not willing to put out the pledge the house to come equally in value to place us, therefore the question is unable to solve. Now 60 days settle the time to cross, we have not obtained the placement to compensate, has not had to return to the housing and the property. Has no recourse we have to submit the sixth collective to the Central Party Committee State Council to appeal for help the letter, seeks help the Central Party Committee, the State Council leads helps us to have to return to belongs to our housing and the property, and the request central investigates the administrative responsibility. We appeal for help the letter through the sixth collective to request the national construction department to produce the written reply once more on following several requests item according to the inquiry rule 32nd stipulation which the support or does not support. 1st, requested the Central Party Committee State Council cutts us to the Nanjing municipal government violence the housing, snatches a light property matter is not the illegal criminality makes a conclusion. Should this kind of illegal activity investigate the legal liability, who this kind of illegal activity should turn over to manage. Because the court and the procuratorate all expressed the government leads us, we could not manage the municipal government illegally. 2nd, requested the Central Party Committee State Council refuses to the Jiangsu Province government to fulfill the legal supervising and managing responsibility, causes our housing and the property is snatched for two years until now not to return a matter to do a conclusion. Did this calculate the dereliction, the administration did not take. Facing the central authorities three instructions, a government order (country manages sends 46 verbal commands), facing our dozens of seeking help, saved the construction hall take "not to be able to manage the Nanjing municipal government with the Nanjing municipal government even level" as the reason, refused to act on behalf of to supervise the coordination to solve our problem, please could the central consideration give again ours question province construction hall processing, we requested the Central Party Committee State Council personally investigated deals with our issue. 3rd, asks the Central Party Committee State Council to lead the request which proposed to us "legally to place, the equal in value also room, the cash pledged" reasonable is whether legitimate, should the municipal government make a conclusion, (leader and so on municipal government He Secretary General pledged: 1st, the province relocation rule has the stipulation to manage according to the province rule, saves the relocation rule stipulation not to manage according to 203 verbal commands. 2nd, the government agreed puts out the general's office west road the economy to be suitable the room to make the replacement room to use for to place us.) 4th, requested the Central Party Committee State Council refuses to the Nanjing municipal government to carry out the central country to manage sends (2004) 46 government orders questions to make a conclusion. Requested the central authorities achieve every order is executed without fail. "Strictly prohibits taking back the raw soil right of use without the relocation placement but directly to supply the land, and provides the construction to use the permission document" to order Deng Fuxiang which the Nanjing municipal government takes back illegally provides the land parcel construction to use the permit, the plan permit, the construction permit, stops constructing, first solves by the violence is cutted the inhabitant the placement question. 5th, requested the Central Party Committee State Council defers to "legally the administration, the right infringement compensation" the principle, orders the Nanjing municipal government to achieve immediately returns our housing and the property, do not have to allow the local authority to take illegal works as the child's play, snatched populace's property actually to depend not also, as soon as towed tows three, five years, the law is the law, could not treat as the sticky candy, should not let local authority again and again on deceive the central committee, got down deceives the populace. 6th, we requested the central authorities order relocate the person (Nanjing municipal government function department national territory bureau) to come out discuss the placement compensation question in front of with us, but could not like before was same, the city, the area government led one A big group, all spoke does not keep a promise, after the meeting all repudiated a debt, should put out the pledge the present room, placed immediately us. Please gives the answer within 15 days! Replies the telephone: 13.082544193 billion Fan Zongbin 025-85522992 Dai Changbin Reply address: Nanjing Hsiakuan area five ponds new villages 50 605 room Dai Changbin Fan Zongbin the family the government violence illegal cutts to July 16, 2003! Dai Changbin the family the government violence illegal cutts to July 19, 2003! The bear righteousness relative with same surname the government violence illegal cutts to August 11, 2003! 文义 the treasure the government violence illegal cutts to July 18, 2003! The Chen Xin family the government violence illegal cutts to July 19, 2003! The Hu broad peasant family the government violence illegal cutts to July 14, 2003! The week cosmetology the government violence illegal cutts to July 18, 2003! The Nanjing Yangtze River road, Deng Fuxiang is cutted by the violence for 2 years long time the inhabitant Telephone: 8552299213082544193 Contact person: Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin On June 30, 2005 The seventh collective appeals for help the letter Construction department leader: We are the Nanjing Yangtze River road, Deng Fuxiang the area the inhabitant which is snatched by the violence opens. In July, 2003, August, lives half century many homelands to destroy, the property is loot one to be spatial. Relocates the person: Nanjing national territory bureau and relocation implementation unit: The Nanjing Xuanwu area relocation manages, not legally relocates, does not relocate according to Germany, the human nature relocation, the reality is not the serious violation of the constitution illegal, caused us to relocate the person to lose the right to subsistence, the life and property has received the infrigement, in the spirit has suffered the huge attack. For more than two years come, we innumerable time to the province, the city department concerned appeal for help seek help, but various departments always pass the buck, the long time tows not definitely, not legally solves our placement to compensate, causes us from disappointedly to move towards despairs. Is compelled helpless, we have the grief and indignation feelings (in May) in June to arrive the Beijing collective in 2004 to appeal for help for the first time. The construction department leader pays attention to our condition very much, fourth and fifth time goes to the capital when 2005 appeals for help, all the Nanjing department concerned leads welcome to the construction department coordinates solves our placement to compensate the question, the Nanjing municipal government officials in front of the construction department leader pledged: Has the house, returns to Nanjing in 15 day to guarantee solves our placement to compensate the question, might in fact, Huining later have more than 4 months, our placement compensated cannot obtain the legally solution, the reason is the government is not willing legally the administration, we passed request, now or requests "legally to place, equally in value to trade the room, the right infringement compensation", asked the construction department and the construction hall our request was reasonable? Legitimate? You have achieved legally the administration? We long for to enjoy a good and prosperous life, this is our right to subsistence! On May 1, 2005 executes (inquiry rule) newly, since, we fifth time have gone to the capital the collective to appeal for help have reached for more than four months, surpasses settles the time for two months, the Nanjing municipal government refuses to write up settles the report, also is not willing to solve the problem. We request the department concerned to be supposed practically to fulfill the responsibility, according to (inquiry rule) stipulated accepts the populace to write letters and come in person, to achieve "unimpededly, has the foreword, practically, is highly effective", the safeguard inquiry populace's legitimate rights and interests obtain a better respect and the maintenance. Requests each department concerned for this us legally to make written settles the opinion, at the right moment holds the public hearing, is public, fairly, the fair solution violence relocation the right infringement question which creates to us. But these requests is all rejected by the government. Must not we only have sends out the seventh collective to appeal for help the letter, requested the central authorities rest on (inquiry rule) the 36th stipulation, the 41st stipulation, in the legal time limit, orders the provincial government to fulfill supervises the responsibility, orders the Nanjing municipal government not to have to shift responsibility onto others, to be perfunctory, delays, should promptly settle (holds public hearing, verifies fact, distinguishes clearly responsibility, formulation solution), and orders the province, the municipal government carries out 46 central authorities government order, "strictly prohibits not placing, first snatches constructs". Simultaneously requested proposes to us "legally places, equally in value trades the room, the right infringement compensation" gives the support (according to inquiry rule 45th stipulation) By the Nanjing municipal government violence relocation, is snatched the housing and the property for 2 years long time Deng Fuxiang, the Yangtze River road inhabitant Contact person: Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin Telephone: 8552299213082544193 On July 23, 2005 After five time goes to the capital the eighth collective to appeal for help the letter National territory resources department leader: We sighed the populace request the government legally administration compared to ascend to heaven also difficultly, the key question is "the matter does not close the oneself, high hangs up" forgot the responsibility is at, as soon as has pushed it. On September 29, 2005 we to the Jiangsu Province national territory hall reflected the Nanjing national territory bureau use authority, illegal (land law 13th) contrary (country managed sends 2,004 46th) to provide Yangtze River the road, Deng Fuxiang the land parcel right of use card has given the developer, encroaches had the legitimate right of use card inhabitant's legitimate rights and interests, the national territory bureau expels with the violence us the homeland, has demolished the house, snatches in the light room the property until now not to compensate with the placement. We request the city national territory bureau execution central 46 verbal commands many times, "strictly prohibits compensating without the relocation placement, takes back the raw soil right of use but directly to supply the land, and provides the construction to use the authorized document". The city national territory bureau refuses pays attention to, we legally request the province national territory hall to investigate and to order the land employment right card which the city national territory bureau takes back illegally, contrary provides, but the national territory hall has made the answer which does not give accepts, its reason is "the inquiry item which proposed, must to legally be authorized to processing this level of and an upper level of institution proposes". Let us not know whether to laugh or cry, saved the national territory hall to forget own were the city national territory bureau legal upper level of controlling organization. We to the leader reflection question goal are, please a leader makes to rule, who this tube Nanjing national territory bureau illegal, contrary does send the card the question, please a leader informs us, we proposed "asks the province national territory hall to investigate thoroughly the fact, legally abolishes or orders the land employment right card which the city national territory bureau takes back illegally, contrary provides, first solves the good inhabitant's placement to compensate the question", is to, or is not right. Now we face are the developer were authorized to the card but soon comprehensively to begin, once starts officially to construct, nobody can again manage our placement to compensate the question, therefore we only have stop up the work site, goes all out to guard our rights and interests, at the appointed time produces any evil consequence all should (illegal send card) by the city national territory bureau, the national territory hall (administration did not take) undertakes. More than 2 year of Nanjing Yangtze River road by the Nanjing municipal government violence illegal relocation, Deng Fuxiang the inhabitant On September 23, 2005 Mr Fan Zongbin, Mr Dai Changbin,Ms WenYizhen,Mr Xiong Yiben, Mr Hu Guangtian, Mr Chen Xin, week cosmetology Address: Nanjing five ponds new villages 50 605 room Contact person: Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin Telephone: 8552299213082544193 Gao Fa requests the court to have legally to maintain the citizen legitimate private property rights (06,/19 08:00) Supreme People's Court Chair Xiao Yang yesterday indicated that, the people's court must practically implement the private property protection in the administration of justice the spirit, prevents to the citizen legitimate private property violation. Xiao Yang stressed that, must take to try the house, the land and so on civil and the administrative case, legally maintains the citizen legitimate private property rights. He said that, current, the minority place does the vivid project, the achievements project, illegal house phenomenon and so on takes over for use, levies the land, relocates is more and more serious, seriously has encroached upon citizen's private property rights, initiated the community to appeal for help and so on the event, has affected the social stability. Regarding these disputes, if sues to the people's court, the people's court must legally try. The State Council office about controls the cities house relocation scale strict relocation management the notice The country manages sends [ 2004 ] 46 Various provinces, autonomous region, municipality people's government, State Council various ministries and commissions, each subordinate organization: Strengthens the cities house relocation supervisory work, relates the central macroeconomic regulation and control policy the effective implementation realization, relates the cities inhabitant's vital interest and the social stability. Presently, our country urban construction enterprise obtains a quicker development, but also has some prominent problems in the cities house relocation: Some local authorities have not set up correct achievements view, blindly expands the relocation scale; Some city relocations compensates with the placement measure does not carry out, artificial reduces compensates the placement standard; Some even abuses the administrative authority, illegal contrary forces to relocate. These phenomena not only seriously violate the cities inhabitant's legitimate rights and interests, initiates the populace massively to appeal for help, affects the social stability, also creates some areas and the profession excessively invests. In order
to implement carries out the Central Party Committee, the State Council about strengthens and improves the macroeconomic regulation and control the decision-making, promotes the cities construction health development and the social stability, agreed after the State Council, presently on further strengthens the cities house relocation work and so on the related question notice as follows: First, the straight cities house relocation guiding ideology, defends the populace legitimate rights and interests. The comprehensive implementation "three represent" the important thought, instructs the cities construction and the house relocation work with science development view and correct achievements view. Strictly according to the city overall plan and the construction plan, stops and corrects in the cities construction and the house relocation exists is eager for quick success and immediate gain,
blindly competes greatly opens the lunar month with thirty days behavior. Earnestly carries out the central macroeconomic regulation and control policy measure, according to each place economy level of development, the society bearing capacity and inhabitant's income condition, reasonably determines the relocation scale and the construction scale; Further perfect legal laws and regulations, standard relocation behavior; The realization management responsibility, strengthens the surveillance inspection; The strict legally administration, enlarges to the illegal contrary case investigation dynamics; In the firm correction cities house relocation violates the people benefit each kind of behavior, maintains the cities inhabitant and farmer's legitimate rights and interests, correctly guides the relocation work which the populace supports legally carries on, the maintenance social stability. Second, the strict making relocation plan, reasonably controls the relocation scale. The cities house relocation plans and plans must conform to the city overall plan, the controllability detailed plan and the construction plan, as well as historical city and block protection plan. The city, the county people's government must the reality which develops from this area economic society embark, establishes in the house relocation the long-term plan and the annual plan, handles jointly with the development reform after the provincial level construction administration department responsible for the work (plan) the department to examine and approve issues, by the city, the county people politics Reported to the government same level Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the upper level of people's government sets up a file. Each place must strictly control the land to take over for use the scale, practically protects the cities inhabitant and farmer's legitimate rights and interests, firmly corrects in the cities house relocation to violate the inhabitant benefit and the land takes over for use violates the farmer benefit the behavior. Must strictly control the house relocation area, guaranteed this year nation house relocation total quantity to have compared to last year obviously reduces, handled jointly with the department concerned by the construction department to adopt the measure realization. Every relocation contradiction and the dispute quite centralized area, except guarantee the energy, transportation, water conservation, construct with proper priority project and so on city significant public facility, as well as the significant social development project, the dangerous house transformation, the economy are suitable Fang Helian to rent a room outside the project, all stops relocating, concentrates the strength solution relocation to leave behind the question. The local authority does not have to violate the legal procedure and the legal rule, replaces the laws and regulations determination by the government conference summary or the document the relocation permission important document and the plan change, arbitrarily expands the relocation scale. Third, the strict relocation procedure, guarantees the relocation publicly, fair, is fair. Must positively advance the relocation management standardization, all relocations project all must defer to "Civic building Relocation Act of administration" (country to make 305) and "Civic building Relocation Estimate Instruction Opinion" (constructs the housing [ 2,003 ] 234) and so on the stipulation jurisdiction and the procedure fulfills the responsibility, the strict execution applies for the house relocation permission male, agreement procedure and so on shows, the appraisal, works out; To cannot reach the agreement, must defer to "Civic building Relocation Administration Ruling Service regulations" (constructs the housing [ 2,003 ] 252) the stipulation strictly to carry out the hearing, the administrative ruling, the evidence preserves and so on the procedure. Specially must male carry out the relocation estimate finally to show the system, forces according to the related stipulation implementation administration ruling hearing and the administration to relocate the hearing system, guarantees the relocation publicly, fair, is fair. The government invests the construction the project also to have strictly to carry on according to the stipulation procedure. Fourth, strengthens to relocates the unit and personnel's management, the standard relocation behavior. Strengthens to relocates the unit the qualifications management, the strict market enters. All relocations project project, must through incur bids or the request way hands over by has the corresponding intelligence the construction to demolish. Further the standard relocation request behavior, the prohibition adopts the relocation expense "the system of allowing responsibility to the individual '" the way carries on the relocation. The house price appraised the organization must defer to the related stipulation and is moved the house position, the use, the floor space and so on, reasonably determines the market appraisal price. Relocates the person and the correlation unit must strictly carry out the relevant law laws and regulations and the stipulation, strictly prohibits the barbaric relocation, the contrary relocation, strictly prohibits adopting cuts off the water supply, the power cut, stops was mad, stops warmly, blocks method and so on transportation, forces to relocate the inhabitant to move. The place all levels of people's government and the department concerned must strengthen to relocates personnel's education in respect for the law and training, unceasingly strengthens it to observe law and discipline consciousness, improves the service quality. Fifth, the strict legally administration, correctly fulfills the responsibility. The place all levels of people's government must further transform the function, achieves the politics, separating government administration from enterprise management, every government department concerned respective relocation company, must completely get unhooked with the department. The government department must from pass in the direct organization house relocation to extricate, the strict legally administration, the implementation "opens the tube separation", realization relocation management way from attenion dependence administration method to attenion dependence law method fundamental transformation. The house relocation control section will have earnestly to carry out the relocation permission examination and approval procedure, will strictly prohibit relocating the permission examination and approval power release. Strict relocation permit providing, to violates the urban planning and the controllability detailed plan, has not relocated the plan, the items of basic construction authorization document, the construction uses to plan the permit, the state-owned land right of use authorization document, as well as the relocation compensates the project which the fund, the relocation placement plan does not carry out, does not have to provide the relocation permit. Strictly prohibits compensating without the relocation placement, takes back the raw soil right of use but directly to supply the land, and provides the construction to use the authorized document. The government administrative organ does not have to intervene or forcefully to determine the relocation compensates the standard, as well as the direct participation and the intervention should by relocate the relocation activity which the person undertakes. Must legally correctly fulfill the authority which forces to relocate. Sixth, strengthens the relocation to compensate fund supervising and managing, the realization relocation placement. The reasonable relocation compensates the placement is the maintenance is relocated the person legitimate rights and interests, completes the relocation work the important foundation. The relocation unit already must fully respect is relocated the person in choice aspect the and so on property right exchange, currency compensates, rents house wish, also does not have to give in to minority is relocated person's unreasonable request. All relocations, regardless of is the public welfare project or the management project, Colludes with the merchant, wants to result in the money the project, the relocation compensates the fund to have on time to arrive, the establishment special account, earmarks a fund for a specific purpose, and the full amount compensates for is relocated the person; Will not have by the project future the income, the organization fund to pledge or other will not carry out the fund will take the relocation capital source. Each place must defer to already the reasonable relocation scale which determined, provides the quality qualified, the price is reasonable, the household appropriate relocation placement room and the turnover room. The difficult family involves which the relocation in brings into line with the cities housing safeguard in the general arrangement, guarantees its basic housing need. Seventh, practically completes the relocation inquiry work, maintains the social stability. Completes the relocation inquiry work is accepts the populace to supervise, the maintenance is relocated the person legitimate rights and interests the important way. Various areas must establish the relocation inquiry work responsibility system, especially must establish and consummates at the beginning of at the beginning of the letter visit the responsibility system as well as the relocation dispute contradictory platoon looks up mediates the mechanism, promptly solves the problem and the reasonable request which the populace reflected, positively melts the relocation dispute and the contradiction. The relocation appeals for help more areas, must to relocate appeals for help the question to carry on comprehensively combs, to the suit key question, the universal question must earnestly know the real situation. The local people's government main leader must personally organize to study, promptly takes the pointed measure, draws up the concrete solution, the realization responsibility unit and the responsibility person, by a set time solves. Distinguishes the different situation, takes the effective action, properly solves the relocation question left over by history. At the same time, to is relocated person's some not reasonably to request, do not have to do does not conform to stipulation making a vow with randomly to spill "the beans", prevented creates "to noisily wins" not good affects. Must complete the collective to appeal for help unblocks the work, prevented the community event has and completes the processing predetermined plan. To minority asks a price excessively high, creates a scene, must persist the principle, cannot give in to; To minority publicly gathers the audiences to cause trouble or to take to the streets stops up the transportation, the impact governmental agency is relocated the person, must legally promptly carry on serious processing. Eighth, strengthens the surveillance inspection, serious processing illegal contrary behavior. All levels of supervisions, the construction and so on the department concerned must strengthen the coordination and the coordination, enlarges to the cities house relocation in illegal contrary case investigation dynamics. Firmly violate the phenomenon to all levels of people's government and the related administration department responsible for the work which the urban planning as well as the examination and approval procedure, the blind expanded relocation scale as well as the abuse of power forces to relocate to investigate. To the succession seriously harms the populace benefit in the relocation to cause the malignant event the department and the area, must investigate the leader and the direct responsibility person's responsibility. To does not carry on the relocation according to the stipulated procedure, wants to correct promptly, and investigates the related responsibility unit the leadership responsibility. To abuses forces the method, creates the serious consequence, must legally give the administration disciplinary action, the constitution crime, must legally investigate the legal responsibility. To the illegal contrary relocation unit and the appraisal organization, must legally severely investigate. To intentionally is behind in payment, occupies, diverts the relocation to compensate the fund and so on the illegal contrary behavior, must seriously investigate the litigant and the direct leader's responsibility. To the barbaric relocation, seriously encroaches upon the inhabitant benefit the behavior, must firmly stop, circumstance serious, must deprive its corresponding qualifications, legally seriously processes. Ninth, perfect legal laws and regulations, perfect policy measure. Must bring into line with the cities house relocation work the legal system and the standardized track, continues to consummate the related policy laws and regulations. Implements the question in view of "Civic building Relocation Act of administration" which exists, various areas must further formulate with the consummation related house relocation policy. The department concerned must coordinate the Supreme People's Court to appear the related house relocation as soon as possible the judicial interpretation, the standard house relocation administration ruling, enforces the procedure and the related question; Various areas must rest on the national related relocation work the legal laws and regulations, the formulation and the consummation local laws and regulations, the rules and regulations and the document, to with "Civic building Relocation Act of administration" the symbol, do not have rapidly to organize to revise; Is not clear about to the policy, but firmly is the reasonable request, must grasp to formulate the corresponding policy measure, by a set time processes the solution. Tenth, persists the correct guidance of public opinion, the display media surveillance function. Intermediary and so on television, broadcast, publication, network essentially embarks from the social stability general situation, to each place reasonable advancement urban construction, carries out the house relocation policy as well as the standard relocation management, defends the populace legitimate rights and interests the good experience, the good procedure, must increase the propaganda dynamics, causes the populace comprehensive understanding relocation policy, the social environment which the improvement legally relocates, strengthens the populace legally Uygur power consciousness. At the same time, to seriously harms the populace benefit the leading case, must continue to expose. Must persist the correct guidance of public opinion, supports the city relocation work which legally carries on, the attention propaganda way, prevented induces and intensifies the contradiction. 11th, strengthens organizes the leader, the realization work responsibility. Various areas, various departments must control the cities house relocation scale, strictly relocates the management and guarantees a social stability important content as the realization central macroeconomic regulation and control policy important measure, includes this year government service the important task, is clear about the government to be in charge of comrade in charge's responsibility, strengthens the leadership, takes the effective action, completes the correlation work. The department concerned must strengthen the coordination and the coordination, establishes the perfect relocation work department border coordination mechanism, instructs the national work, and the establishment improves to key local, the key project, the key case supervises looks up and notifies the system, summarizes the experience and the procedure which promotes. Various provincial levels people's government must strengthen to line of business politics region relocation work management and the surveillance, practically strengthens to relocates the scale the total quantity regulation, prevented and investigates honorably opens the lunar month with thirty days; Must defer to "People's Republic of China Administration Permission Law", standard city, county relocation control section and responsibility. Various cities, the county people's government must works the negative total responsibility to the cities construction and the relocation, the strict legally administration, does what one can, and maintains the people benefit from the firm implementation macroeconomic regulation and control policy measure highly to complete the cities house relocation work. Various provinces, the autonomous region, the municipality people's government had in at the end of October, 2004 before will carry out this notice situation to report the State Council, simultaneously sent duplicate the construction department. People's Republic of China State Council office On June 6, 2004 [ abundant news first round, reprint please give the source ] - supports this article author/reporter(abundant news boxun.com) The abundant news related report (recently 20, more please usedsearches function): 6.1--th robbers' difficult Uygur power series logical/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin(chart) 6.2--th robbers' difficult Uygur power series logical/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin(chart) 5.1/th Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin Nanjing barbaric relocation difficult Uygur power series(chart) 5.2/th Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin Nanjing barbaric relocation difficult Uygur power series(chart) Nanjing violence relocation: Fourth/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin difficult Uygur power series(chart) Third/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin difficult Uygur power series(chart) Second difficult Uygur power series: Sends the law to seek help letter open letter/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin(chart) Nanjing resident Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin relocates one of Uygur power series Nanjing resident Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin relocates the Uygur power to start to serialize the report Sends National People's Congress to represent with newsman's petition/Fan Zongbin, Dai Changbin(chart)
Clicks on here news to express the view regarding this (Abundant news on March 16, 2007 first round - supports this article author/reporter) |