最近工作忙外加胃口不太好, 很久没有做饭了. 在外吃太多还真的想些家做的东西, 回顾了一下新年resolution, 学做中国菜这一项进展甚小, 要加把劲儿哦...
Busy at work plus don't have too much
appetite lately. Haven't cooked at home much at all. I guess we all miss home cooking after eating out too much. Midyear already. Reviewed my New Year Resolution and found out that I have not achieved too much on learning Chinese cooking. Oh well, weekend is here. I need to work on it...
Spinach egg drop soup Cucumber and thin noodle saladPan fried wild cod with sauté onion, carrots and tree earsTwice cooked lamb with cauliflower and green peppersSteamed white rice晚餐菜单
Spinach egg drop soup 菠菜甩绣汤
1/2 cup shredded carrots 半杯胡箩卜丝,
1 small bunch spinach, washed and cut into 2 inch long 菠菜一小把, 洗净, 切段,
1 tsp chopped ginger and onion 姜末, 洋葱丁,少许
1 tsp salt 盐一小勺,
Pinch of sugar and fresh grounded black peppers 糖和黑胡椒粉各少许.
1 egg well beaten 1 只蛋打匀
1 Tbs soy bean oil 1大勺豆油
1/4 cup corn starch solution (1 Tbs corn starch with 1/4 cup cold water) 少半杯水淀粉
Heat a 2 quartz sauce pan in medium high heat. Add oil and
sauté onions and ginger for 30 seconds. Add black pepper and shredded carrots sauté for another 2 minutes until carrots are tender. Add 2-3 cup of water and heat to boil. Add corn starch solution and heat to boil. Add the beaten egg and stir. Add spinach and season with salt and peppers. Serve hot.
厚底不锈钢汤锅加中高热, 加入油, 放入姜末, 洋葱末和黑胡椒, 加入胡箩卜丝炒软, 再加3-4杯水煮沸, 用水淀粉调稠, 加入蛋汁并搅匀. 再加入盐, 糖,和黑胡椒调味即可.
Cucumber and thin noodle salad 黄瓜粉丝凉菜2 brunches thin white noodles socked in hot water till soft 2 小捆粉丝, 热水中泡软
1 large cucumber shredded 1 只大黄瓜, 切丝
1 small carrot, shredded 小胡箩卜一只, 切丝
1/4 cup chopped cilantro 小杯香菜末
3 Tbs vinegar 3大勺醋
2 tsp sugar 2小勺糖
Hot pepper sauce, Soy sauce, Salt and pepper to taste 辣椒酱, 酱油, 盐和胡椒粉少许
这道凉菜最好做了, 将所有的材料和调味料混合均匀, 调味即可, 冰箱冷藏30分钟口味最佳
Mix vegetables and seasonings together to get the tangy taste. Chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes before serve taste the best.

Another picture: 还有一张照片:
Pan fried wild cod with sauté onion, carrots and tree ears 熘雪鱼1 - 1.5 lb wild cod fillet 1-1.5磅野生的雪鱼肉
1/4 cup chopped carrots 1/4杯胡箩卜丁
1/4 cup chopped onion 1/4杯洋葱丁
1/4 cup chopped green pepper 1/4杯青椒丁
few chopped cilantro 几根香菜,切丁
1/4 cup chopped tree ears 1/4杯木耳,切小块
2 Tbs oil 2大勺油
1/4 cup water 1/4杯水
1 tsp dark soy sauce 1小勺老抽酱油
2 Tbs corn starch solution (1 tsp corn starch mix with 2 Tbs water) 2大勺水淀粉
Salt pepper to season 盐和胡椒粉少许
1. Season cod filet with salt and pepper for 10 minutes
2. Heat a heavy pan with 2 Tbsp oil at medium high
3. Seared fish skin side down first. Turn over after 5 minutes. (See picture A and B). Remove fish and put it in a serving plate (See picture C)
4. Add carrots and onions saute till soft, ~3 minutes. (See picture D) Add tree ear,chopped green pepper and stir fry for another minute
5. Add water, soy sauce, corn starch solution. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour the sauce and vegetable on top of fish. Sprinkle the cilantro on the top and serve hot
1. 雪鱼肉用盐和胡椒粉腌10分钟
2. 厚底锅加中高热, 加2大勺油
3. 鱼放入锅中, 鱼皮面朝下, 5 分钟后翻过来 (看图A和B). 取出鱼放入盘中, (见图C)
4. 锅中加洋葱和胡箩卜丁炒软,包装~3分钟左右, (见图D) 然后放入木耳丁,青椒丁炒熟
5. 加水, 酱油, 水淀粉. 加盐和胡椒粉调味, 然后将菜汁浇在鱼上,撒上香菜即可.

Final product: 做好的熘雪鱼

Another picture: 还有一张:
Twice cooked lamb with cauliflower and green peppers: 回锅羊肉1.5 lb Cooked leg of lamb, sliced 一磅半的烤熟的羊腿肉,切片
1/4 cup shredded onion 1/4杯洋葱丝
1/4 cup sliced carrots 1/4杯胡萝卜片
1/2 cup cauliflowers, chopped and blenched 1/2杯菜花,切小块,开水烫过
1/4 cup green pepper, chopped 1/4杯 青椒,切小块
2 Tbs olive oil 2大勺橄榄油
1/2 tsp cumin 2小勺孜然粉
2 tsp light soy sauce 2小勺生抽酱油
Salt, pepper,sugar and red pepper flakes to taste 盐,糖,胡椒粉,辣椒粉调味用
1. Heat a heavy pan, add oil and onion, carrots, add black peppers, cumin and red pepper flakes (add more if you like spicy)
2. Add sliced lamb and blenched cauliflowers,chopped green pepper with 2 tsp light soy sauce. Stir fry for 3 to 5 minutes until heat thru. Season with salt and pepper.
厚底不锈钢锅加中高热,放入油,洋葱,胡萝卜片翻炒,放入胡椒粉,孜然粉,和辣椒粉,喜欢辣的可以多加。 放入羊肉片和烫熟的菜花,青椒块, 2小勺生抽酱油, 翻炒3到5分钟直到炒热,最后加盐和胡椒粉调好味即可。

Here is the final product: 做好成品

Now it is ready for dinner: 开饭了

In my plate: 我的盘中:

We like it very much because it is home cooking. Doesn't matter what, I know what is in our meal...