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欢度中国之四:元宵节 Happy Chinese New Year 4:Yuan xiao festival(编辑中)

(2010-03-20 23:26:58) 下一个
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Chinese celebrate the first full moon of the year. Traditionally, it is the date family gathering and have "yuan xiao". "Yuan xiao" is made of sweet rice with variety stuffing. Depended on which part of country you are in, "yuan xiao" called "tang yuan" in Southern part of China, which is made of different process. But the taste is very similar. Nether less, the shape of "yuan xiao" or "tang yuan" is around, which indicate families together, strong tight.
在中国, 人们庆祝一年中的第一个圆月,家人团聚在一起吃元宵有上千年的传统. 元宵是用各种不同馅放入姜米面(糯米面)滚雪球一样滚出来的.
Besides the "yuan xiao", you will find laterals everywhere during the holiday. That is another tradition in China. Families gather and go to see beautiful laterals. There are puzzles on some laterals. It will bring you extra luck if you get the answer right. Great entertaining!

In terms of food, people usually have a big fancy dinner. Of course,  "yuan xiao" is the must have at the end of the dinner.

It happened that the "yuan xiao" festival was in the weekend this year. I had sometime to prepare at home. Here is what we had to celebrate the first full moon of the year at home.
除了元宵, 节日其间灯会也比比皆是, 全家一起去看灯会,猜邓迷,是非常普及的娱乐活动. 至于食品, 每家都有做一套讲究丰盛的晚餐, 当然元宵是必不可少.
很巧,今年的元宵节赶上周末, 我有点时间在家里"折腾", 下面是我在家里"折腾"的.

Manu: 菜单
Cold dish: Fresh vegetables with noodles 粉皮拌凉菜
Crisy trout 脆皮鳟鱼
Sweet and sour spareribs with kiwis 猕猴桃糖醋排骨
Spicy stir fry rice cakes 韩国辣年糕
Desert: sweet peanuts stuffing Yuan xiao 甜点:花生元宵

Cold dish: Fresh vegetables with noodles 粉皮拌凉菜
日本店买来的干的粉皮, 水煮透, 加入生菜丝, 胡箩卜丝, 西红柿, 葱花和香菜. 用酱油, 盐, 胡椒粉, 醋, 糖, 香油拌好酱汁, 调好味即可.

Crisy trout 脆皮鳟鱼
1. A cleaned, fresh water trout, cut cross three or four times each side. Season with salt and pepper side and out.
2. Dip the fish in egg white and coat it with corn starch.
3. Heat oil to medium high. Deep fry fish for 3 minutes each side. Take it out and drain on a paper towel.
4. Heat another pan with 2 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp shredded ginger, carrat and green onion. Add 1/4 tsp five spices. Add 1/2 water and 3 Tbsp ketchup, 2Tbsp corn starch water mixture, 1Tbsp vinegar, 1Tbs sugar, pinch of salt.
5. In the mean while, deep fry the fish one more time in high temperature to make it crispy outside. Drain and place it in a serving plate.
6. Pour the sauce in step 4 on the top of the crispy fish. Garnish with shredded onion and celacho. Serve immediately.
鳟鱼一条, 清洁干净, 鱼背两面切3 到4刀, 抹盐和胡椒粉, 腌15分钟,空干水分,沾上蛋青, 沾上淀粉, 油锅中炸熟, 在纸上空干油, 待用.
取另一只锅做糖醋汁: 1大勺橄榄油, 放入姜丝, 红罗卜丝, 葱丝,爆锅, 加入1/4杯水, 3大勺蕃茄酱, 1 大勺糖, 盐少许, 水淀粉2大勺, 1大勺醋, 煮沸待用.
油锅加热, 第二次炸鱼, 炸脆, 放入盘中, 浇上做好的糖醋汁, 放上葱丝,香菜丝即可.

Here is the final product. The fish is crispy outside and tender inside. Taste sweet and sour and really decious.
成品看下图, 特点: 鱼外脆里嫩, 甜酸可口.

Sweet and sour spareribs with kiwis 猕猴桃糖醋排骨
A small sparibs cut into 1" cubes. Blanch them in hot water for 2 minutes. Discard the water and wash throughout. Heat a medium sauce pan, add ribs, add water immerge the ribs, add star anise, cinimun sticks and cook untill tender, about 1.5 to 2 hours. Drain well. The juice makes delicious noodle soup.
Take another pan, heat 1 Tbsp olive oil at medium high, add 1 tsp shredded ginger, carrots. Add 1/4 cup of juice from above, 2 Tbsp vinegar, 1 Tbsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp corn starch and water mixture,  Add cooked ribs, add sliced kiwis mix well. season with salt. Serve hot.
1. 排骨切小块, 开水烫2分钟, 水倒掉,排骨洗净, 锅里从新加水, 沫过排骨. 加大料一粒, 桂皮一只, 小火炖烂, 大约1个半到2小时, 倒出空干水分, 待用. 排骨汤可留用.
2. 另取一只锅加热, 放入1大勺橄榄油, 姜丝,红罗卜丝, 葱丝炒香, 加入1/4杯排骨汤, 2大勺醋, 1 大勺糖, 1小勺酱油, 水淀粉1大勺, 盐少许调好味道, 煮沸后, 加入煮熟的排骨和切片猕猴桃, 拌匀即可.

Here is the final product. 成品看下图.

Take a closer look. Taste delicious.

Spicy stir fry rice cakes 韩国辣年糕
I forgot to take a picture. Trust me, it was delicious. Here is my plate. You can see a bite of spicy rice cake and others...

Desert: sweet peanuts stuffing Yuan xiao 甜点:花生元宵
Ingredients: 元宵原料
 1 lb sweet rice flour (糯米粉 1磅)
1 cup chopped peanuts (搅碎的花生 1 杯)
1/4 cup sugar (糖 1/4杯)
2 - 3Tbsp butter, soft (2-3大勺奶油,室温)
Procedures: 制做方法
1. Mix all above except sweet rice flour and form 1 inch balls. Put 1 lb of sweet rice flour into a larg container.
2. Dip 4-6 peanut balls into water and put them in the sweet rice flour. Shake the container and coat the peanut balls.
3. Dip the peanut balls into water again and put them back in the sweet rice flour again. Shake the container and coat the peanut balls well.
4. Repeat 5 or 6 times to make the peanut balls into 2 inch balls. Repeat the rest of the peanut balls.
5. Boil 2 quartz of water in a pot. Add Yuan Xiao when water is boiling. Turn the water on medium low and stir Yuan Xiao occationally to prevent them stick together. When all Yuan Xiao appear on the top of the water, they are done, ~10 to 15 minutes. Serve them hot or warm the best. 
1. 糯米粉放入大容器中, 将碎花生, 糖和奶油混合均匀, 做成1英寸的小球球待用,
2. 将花生馅团沾上水, 然后放入盛有糯米粉的盘中摇一摇,让糯米粉沾匀.
3. 再将沾了糯米粉的花生馅团沾上水, 放入盛有糯米粉的盘中摇一摇,让糯米粉再沾匀.
4. 重复5到6次,直到元宵做成2英寸大小
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