Christmas just passed by. 2007 is about over. We have been running around during the holidays. Plus, we were traveling last year. My husband said let's celebrate the last dinner of 2007 at home.
圣诞节刚刚过去,2007年就要过去了。去年这个时候我们在外 travel. 我家先生说今年我们在家庆祝2007年的最后一天,好吗?
New Year Eve dinner menu:
First course:
Italian Salami ,Comté cheese and black olives serve with crackers Second course:
Fried Calemari Third course:
Cioppino Fourth course:
Braised broccoli and cauliflowers Bread: Homemade Baguettes
Cream Brûlée
甜点:Cream Brûlée
Table is getting setup. Now I am looking at the pictures and realize that I forgot to change the table settings for the New Year. All the silver serving dishes, candle holders and table runner are still laying in our closet. Oh well, I guess I didn't want Christmas go away.

Table is ready. Table overview 1: 餐桌摆好了。

Table overview 2:

First course:
Italian Salami ,Comté cheese and black olives serve with crackers第一道:意大利萨拉密干肠,硬奶酪,黑橄榄配饼干

Second course:
Fried Calemari. It is tender inside and crispy outside. It is very good dish with dry white wine. Of course it is also good with beer for those love microbrew.....

Third course:
This San Francisco fisherman seafood stew brings full body flavor with fresh seafood, such as clams, mussels, salmon filet, jumbo shrimp. It is the "must have" dish for New Year's Eve. This is our family classic New Year's Eve dinner if we don't go out.....
这道美味,浓香的旧金山鱼家海鲜汤主要是用新鲜的 clams,海虹,salmon 鱼片,大虾做成的。也是我家必有的 New Year's Eve 主菜,如果我们不外出。
For those people like to try Cioppino, visit my blog soon. You absolutely will love it.
喜欢试试的朋友们请注意查看我的博客。我将 post the recipe.

Fourth course:
Braised broccoli and cauliflowers
After the rich, full body seafood stew, these braised vegetable will make you feel refreshing.

Homemade Baguettes
Nothing is better than a warm, chewy homemade French Baguettes with the full body seafood stew!
配这道美味浓汤,真没有任何东西能比得上家做的法国 Baguettes!
喜欢试试的朋友们请注意查看我的博客。我将 写一个面包系列 1:1.

My plate: 我的盘子里的东东

No wonder San Francisco fisher stew was spreaded out so quickly throughout the nation. With a glass of dry white wine, it is truly delicious.

Cream Brûlée
This French dessert is creamy inside with carmelized sugar on the surface. "Dinner is not completed without a dessert!"
Cream Brûlée这道著名的法国甜点真是名不虚传,外层脆焦糖,中间又嫩又 creamy。"没有甜点的晚餐是不完整的晚餐。"这话真对!

喜欢试试的朋友们请注意查看我的博客。我将 post "how to"

New Year Day Breakfast:
After watching fireworks thru our balcony window last night, the result is waking up late on New Year's Day. Oh no, we missed Pasadena Rose Parade again. While watching the ending of the Rose Parade on TV, I made the first meal of 2008.
昨天晚上站在阳台看新年焰火,结果新年的第一天起来晚了。今年又错过了帕撒第纳的玫瑰游行。只好边看电视游行边做 2008 第一个早餐。
Breakfast menu: 早餐菜谱 (Chinese and Western style, East meets West!!)Chinese Breadsticks 炸油条
Homemade sausage petties 家做香肠饼
Italian sausages 意大利香肠
Fried eggs: over easy 煎蛋
Homemade Cranberry sauce 家做 Cranberry Sauce
Fresh made soybean milk 自制豆浆
Homemade Apple juice 自制纯苹果汁,,
Fresh brewed coffee
Table overview 1: 桌子全景 1

Table overview 2: 桌子全景 2

Chinese Bread sticks: 炸油条

这是我在私房小菜学的。忘记是从哪位大师学来的了。Whoever she or he is, 真是聪明能干。。。

Homemade sausage petties and Italian sausages 家做香肠饼和意大利香肠

My plate again: 我的盘子里的东东

After all the holiday meals and desserts, we had one common New Year Resolution, of course one of the New Year Resolution. That is going on diet start the 2nd day of 2008................
节日过后,新年来临,每人的新年计划都有一个相似的一条:减肥。把由于节日而增加的磅数减掉。这个计划从2008年的第二天开始实施。Will see.............
I wish everyone had a great New Year. 我希望每个人都有一个快乐的新年。We are looking forward to the new 2008, absolutely!