Shao Mai is original from Northeast of China. It is a big noodle stuffed with ground lamb. Unlike dumplings which are boiled in the hot water, or pot stickers which are pan fried, Shao Mai has different shape and is steamed in the steamer.
每次回家的时侯,马家烧麦都是必去的地方。现在人隔千里,只好自己动手来解谗了。家里有GRASS FED羊肉,取出大约2磅,自己绞了羊肉馅。在菜园里摘了5,6棵葱,很快做好了馅。和好了4杯面。开做。。。。。


Shao Mai and cucumber salad.

We usually eat them with some vinegar or a little soy sauce. Of course a little spicy hot sauce will spicy them up for us. But they are just delicious by themselves.

Simple cucumber salad: 拌黄瓜
Crispy Chinese cucumber with vinegar, garlic, hot pepper sauce and some sesme oil. They are a perfect compliment to Shao Mai.