

看笑话学英语之换灯泡(light bulb joke)

(2007-03-23 15:43:26) 下一个

英文笑话中有一个大类是换灯泡。 先举个例子:
How many grad students does it take to change a light bulb?

One, but it takes ten years.

问:需要多少xxx (职业或人)换一个灯泡?
答:N个。 因为————————————。

喜欢的原因就在笑话的结构特简单, 可是可以无止境的变化下去。笑话反映出的美国的特定文化和不同职业的一些共性或通病,有的很准确,有的是成见(stereotype)。 笑话的水平就取决于对美国文化和人群的了解了。好笑的部分自然是在原因上,也即punch line.

先说个题外话, 关于成见。 其实这个词作为stereotype的翻译不是很准确。 因为stereotype的产生的前提是因为一个人群对另一个人群不真地了解。 人们一般对不知道的东西多少会有不舒服, 对不知道的人尤其是。 所以天性是对不知道的一个人群总结出一些人群特性来,这就成了stereotype 比如说中国学生的数学都好, 或者中国人都会武功, 或者中国在国内的以为在美国的人都很有钱。 总的说来stereotype有一点点帮助 因为它不是空穴来风。 但是若要硬套在每个个人身上就不合适。 比如像说“嫁老外的都是丑女“, 是明显的偏差。 

 所以看换灯泡笑话不仅能带来不少的会心一笑, 而且也对美国文化的了解有很大帮助呢。尤其是不同人的stereotype是什么样子的。

1.  How many Irishmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? Fifteen. One to hold the bulb, and the rest to drink whiskey until the room spins.

几个爱尔兰人能换一个灯泡?15个, 一个拿着灯泡, 其他14个喝酒喝到屋子旋转。(爱尔兰人爱喝酒和热闹,住在美国的爱尔兰人要比在爱尔兰的还要多呢)

2.  How many IRS agents does it take to screw in a light bulb? Only one, but it really gets screwed.

几个税务局办事员能换一个灯泡? 只要一个,不过灯泡会着实被拧一把(被IRS盯上不是好事,多少会被折磨一把screwed. To change a light bulb  you usually screw it on

3.  How many Communists does it take to screw in a light bulb? The light bulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.


4.  How many lesbians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Five, one to change it and four to make the documentary about it.

多少女同性恋换一个的灯泡? 5个。一个换灯泡, 4个拍纪录片。 (同性恋是相对受教育高的人群,女同性恋里注重社会问题的自不在少数)。

5.  How many salesmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? (pause) I get it! This is one of those light bulb jokes, right?

卖东西自然是一卖出东西至上, 所以顾客说啥就是啥, 要问他的意见?那是不会轻易给的。

     6.  How many administrative assistants does it take to change a light bulb? None. It won't be changed until you fill out form #3422V - the light bulb change request form.
几个办公室助理能换个灯泡? 不要。 因为你得先填了表格#3422v-灯泡更换申请书。(我喜欢这个)

        7.  How many counselors does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the light bulb has to want to change first.
几个心理咨询师能换一个灯泡? 一个。 但是灯泡自己先想要改变。(这是典型的美国行为改变的理念:就是一个人不可能被强迫改变。 如果他自己若不想变, 别人使多大劲也没用) 

8 Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; it's conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?


一个都不要。 因为灯泡根本就没有出错儿, 而且它的状况每天都在改进。任何关于它缺少光亮的报告都是那些开放媒体的幻想炒作。电灯泡崇高的服务了,你说任何不同都会对他的功能有坏影响。为什么你仇恨自由? (这一个挺精彩。是对布什政府在伊战态度上的好写照)。



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JustaVisitor 回复 悄悄话 LOL!