laoyangdelp (热门博主)
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The end of telecom industry era is coming

(2007-05-29 14:09:49) 下一个

Today the market is higher amid more merger rumors. One of them is Avaya, a span-off from Lucent 5 years ago, may be taken by private equity firms or competitors such as Cisco, Nortel, or Microsoft.

I think the likely hood of NT takes AV is small as NT is only 10b cap while AV is 7b. Plus NT's business emphasis is not in enterprise. PE has my bid, or another quiet suitor is IBM.

Anyway, it is yet another big telecom buy out or consolidation only months after Lucent was merged with Alctel. In the recent years, private equity has quietly bought many other smaller telecom firms, cut or tear them apart, then re-sell or IPO to make money out of it. So telecom companies have become the likes of other mature industries before them are today's targets of private equities.

Is this the end of telecommunication industry era? Old trees fall, give space to new ones to grow. I tend to believe that.

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