

(2016-01-21 19:21:23) 下一个


1, 最高法院将对Fisher起诉德州大学的案子做出判决,各路人马都不看好德大,最终判决有可能终结AA。Fisher案后面接着还有亚裔学生状告哈佛和北卡大学歧视,即使AA在这次Fisher案中不被枪毙,也难逃后面亚裔的起诉。在大学录取中优待一些种族,歧视另一些,尤其是歧视亚裔,在今天这个过度讲求政治正确和人人“平等”的气候下,无论在道德或法律层面都是说不过去的。 名校的这种按肤色录取的方式难以为继。
2, 如果名校不按肤色录取,尤其是不优待那些富裕家庭出来的黑墨学生,则它的黑墨族裔学生比例会大幅度下降,亚裔将大幅度上升,就像UCLA和Berkeley在通过了209法案一样。而学生中缺乏黑墨会让名校面子上很不好看。
3, 绝大多数够标准被哈佛等名校录取的亚裔是亚洲第一代移民子女。这些孩子有着极高的智力,个人的努力和家庭的支持,使他们能在早期有优异的学业表现。同时由于家庭的亚洲第一代移民背景,这些孩子总体(统计意义)上来说不能完全融于美国社会和文化,亚裔移民带来的文化某些方面强于美国文化(比如重视教育方面),更多方面弱于美国主流精英文化(比如领导力),这也反映在这些孩子们身上,使得他们出了校门后难以有更大作为。这大概也是二十多年来美国名校录取亚裔超过10%(远大于亚裔人口比例),但今天各个领域的领导人物中亚裔比例却远小于亚裔人口比例的原因之一。
4, 美国名校希望他们的毕业生将来能是社会各个方面的领导人物,亚裔文化的弱点和领导力的缺乏应该是他们不愿意招收更多亚裔学生的主要原因。
5, 和几十年前比,美国的人口和受教育程度都大幅度增加了,尤其这二十多年进口的亚裔高科技人才,使得聪明而且学业好的孩子,特别是亚裔孩子大幅度增加了。而美国的好工作却增加不多,名校的学位越来越重要,而排名第一的学校却永远只有一个。这些因素导致水涨船高,从高中到大学,学业的竞争压力越来越大。这种竞争,亚裔从基因到文化都有着最大的优势,而黑人是最弱的族群。
6, 优秀孩子的增加和学业竞争的激烈必将带来的是美国教育文化的改变。屈从于短视的学业竞争会使美国失去一些优秀的白人的教育传统,也导致很多孩子(主要是白黄)出现精神健康问题。这种激烈的竞争也导致黑墨学生在照顾他们入学的名校难以生存,美国多年极左的洗脑使得他们把这种不适应归咎于种族歧视,在我看来这是去年下半年美国很多名校少数族裔学生抗议种族歧视却又举不出具体例子的主要原因。
7, 以上这些因素恐怕是哈佛报告出笼的背景,但他们的方案并不能解决这些问题。


living in China for the past 20 months is an eyeopenning experience for me.  I learned not only about China and the culture, but also about myself and many valuable life lessons.  If I have a chance to teach at tufts, I would like to share some things that I learned here


One of the first things my Chinese coworkers asked me was if all Americans ate McDonalds and shot guns in their free time. The earnest curiosity behind this absurd question shocked me since that question couldn’t be further from the truth, but it reminded me of my time in America where everything I ate had to to have dog in it, else it wasn’t Chinese food to my elementary and middle school peers. Forward to these past two years in Beijing, the quintessential snapshot of metropolitan China. My two years in Beijing has immersed me in the culture through studying, interning, and tutoring and taught me who I am and what my principles are. I learned how to understand myself in new aspects and broadened my scope of the world by seeing life through a new culture and perspective. The knowledge I have and want to teach isn’t one of lofty ideas or unattainable goals. I want to teach this class in order to create a dialogue between our two cultures and address the racism experienced by both sides. Sharing my experiences in Beijing can allow for those who take my class to slowly understand the real issues in China, see how similar we are as people, and begin to appreciate everything China has to offer. learn how to improve yourself through seeing through another culkture or perspective/ what you can learn about life when youre immersed in another culture/find myself or who I am and my principles/ life lessons

From the first day of elementary school till high school graduation I was too often on the receiving end of jokes about my race. The problem wasn’t that they were saying things like that, but I lacked the knowledge and resolve to address the stereotypes they were perpetuating.I was contributing to the problem in our cultures because I was too ignorant on the subject just like my peers and most people in America. Coming to China I saw that the attitude and culture towards westerners shared similarities to how Americans saw Chinese people. My coworkers would ask me if I ate hamburgers everyday or did everyone have guns in their home. ties back to finding oneself and ones identity, achieved somethingAlthough these questions sound strange, they’re a direct result of the issue I want to address, both sides simply don’t know enough about each other. Although I may not be an expert in this subject the memories I’ve made, people I’ve met, and experiences I went through has helped me gain a greater understanding of the people here and a stronger connection to my heritage. The ideas I want to convey in this class aren’t ones that can be properly conveyed through a textbook since emotions are best are best conveyed in person. 

My first few months in Beijing was the loneliest time spent here and the most vulnerable I’ve been. After a day of working in a new country using a language that I wasn’t proficient in, I would walk back to the apartment that my family owned. Outside my apartment was another apartment building that had just begun construction; each morning and night I would hear the dull buzz and crashes of another building erected in the gray skyline. I slowly learned how to break out of my self pity and discover who I was and what I have to give to those around me. Sharing stories with my friends who came from across the world, working out six days a week, or working with my Chinese coworkers gave me the skills to improve upon myself. The yet to be finished apartment and I were kindred souls, slowly rising and adding to our foundations each day, regardless of the events that happened during the day. Beijing is no longer some cold, unloving, concrete cityscape to me; I’ve met and traveled with people who helped me become the person I am today.


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