

I am Mei Ling (1) (Chapter 2)

(2007-03-14 20:43:53) 下一个



Chapter 2 New Immigrant Reception Room


It was silent all around us.

It was very late in the night.

A young man was waiting for us

In a brand new van under a light.


Mom, Dad and I got into the van.

The young man started it right away.

He would drive us to our first new home.

Would it be good? I thought on the way.


The streets were deserted.

The van went really fast.

Tall and short buildings

As well as trees rushed past.


On the two sides of the road,

There was shimmery white snow.

The mysterious city,

Mom, Dad and I didn’t know.


I was very sleepy

So I dozed off again.

The van suddenly jerked,

I was awakened then.


The van stopped on the road in front of

A big house on a small quiet street.

“The new immigrant reception home,”

The young man stated and left his seat.


Dad took our bags out one by one.

My mom and I got out of the van.

We quietly entered the big house,

Following the stern-faced young man.


A beautiful living room,

The two-storey house had.

Would we live in this good house?

I was very, very glad.


But in the living room,

The young man didn’t stay.

Mom and I followed him,

Stepping down a dark stairway.


The more we walked down,

The more we saw gloom.

Pointing to a dim door,

He said, “This is your room.”


I entered the door after Mom.

I saw the room was very small.

A table, only one chair and

A bunk bed stood beside the wall.


Dad came in with our luggage.

I, Mei Ling, had to say,

The room suddenly became

Very crowded right away.


Mom put a pink sheet on the top bunk

After she had helped Dad for a while.

Then she gently held one of my hands.

She said to me, forcing a smile.


“Mei Ling, you are tired today.

You should go to bed.”

I went up to the top bunk.

By mistake, I bumped my head.


Although it was my first time

Sleeping in a bunk bed,

I didn’t like it already.

I felt weird and also felt dread.


It seemed I was still in the dream

Which I had on the airplane,

Or I was hanging in midair.

I felt a bit blank in my brain.


The light was dim and scattered.

The small room smelled rather old.

Mom put her coat over my quilt.

The basement room was so cold!


I was weary and sleepy

But I couldn’t fall asleep.

There was something on my mind.

Suddenly, I wanted to weep.


“Mei Ling, you often think too much,”

I remembered Mom had once said.

At this moment, I actually

Didn’t know what was in my head.


I didn’t know and couldn’t tell

Why today, I was so sad.

But I knew and could tell it was

The worst feeling I ever had.


Dad’s shadow moved strangely on the wall,

When he unpacked the things we brought.

Although I knew it was his shadow,

It still frightened me, a whole lot.


I was so close to the ceiling

That I felt something was wrong.

I thought it was going to

Fall on top of me before long.


I turned to face the other side.

I was scared and wanted to cry.

A while later, I suddenly

Sat up and asked. I wasn’t shy.


“Is this our Canadian home?”

I doubtfully asked Mom and Dad.

“I want to go back to China.

I think Canada is bad.”


“Homes are changeable, Mei Ling.

We can move from old to new.

Our family will never change.

Dad and I will always be with you.”


Mom came to stand by the bed.

She calmly said the above.

From her soft and gentle voice,

I could feel peace and deep love.


My dad stopped unpacking.

He came to stand beside Mom.

They stood together, smiling.

I lay down and felt a bit more calm.


My dad is a very tall man.

He is taller than the bunk bed.

I could see straight into his eyes.

They seemed tired and a little red.


“Close your eyes and sleep right now.

Don’t think about anything.

Tomorrow, I am sure

You’ll feel better, Mei Ling.”


Kindness and confidence,

I heard in my dad’s voice.

I closed my eyes tightly.

I had no other choice.



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