


(2011-02-23 08:06:44) 下一个




DearMrs. Y,

Iam writing this letter with regard to your daughter S and herparticipation in music both this year and next.

Sis a very special young lady. She is extremely talented and musical,bringing a care and beauty to all of her playing whether in class orband. S is dedicated to being an excellent student and I know sheworks very hard at performing musically, and it shows. Herimprovement on double bass last year through this year is absolutelyremarkable. She has improved dramatically.

Beyondhe bass playing, S is becoming a leader in the music program. Sheplays double bass in concert band, electric bass in jazz ensemble,singing an Sisters of Song and violin in our new string quartet. Shehas been doing a fantastic job in all of these musical roles. S isdiligent, kind and thoughtful when working with her peers. She isrespectful and extremely intelligent in helping others in learn theirparts or planning a sectional. S is also helpful around the musicdepartment and I think she should even consider taking on furtherleadership next year.

Ihave spoken briefly with S about her future in music. While Irealize she is not going to study music in university, I have sharedmy view that music will help her prepare for university, in so manyways. In addition to music being a very strong academic subject forher application to university, it will help her continue to develop astrong resume and scholarship portfolio. My guess is that S's musicmarks make a positive contribution to her overall average.

Shas told me that she will speak with you about continuing next yearwith her musical studies in high school and I am pleased. I know thatmusic is a real love for S; a place for her to express her emotionsand make something beautiful with other students. I can offer towith S as she progresses through her final year in school,encouraging her to find a balance between practice and homework, butI must say once again that it would be a tremendous shame if S wasnot a part of our program next year.

Ifpossible, I would love to speak with you in pearson about S and herfuture in the program. S is a very special music student.



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