STEVE走了,澳洲人还沉浸在失去他的痛苦之中。九月末,政府响应大家的呼声,为STEVE IRWIN举行了告别仪式。IRWIN的家人同意把地点设在在AUSTRALIA ZOO的鳄鱼馆。三千张免费门票成为大家那几天最想得到的宝物。很多人彻夜不眠守候在发票的地点外,只为了能为他们的英雄送行。在发票的过程中,也发生了很多感人的小故事。一个小男孩儿,在排到他的时候,票已经都发完了,小男孩儿忍不住失望哭泣起来,排在他前面的一位男士,看到此景,毅然决定把自己的一张票送给这个可爱的孩子,小男孩儿破涕为笑。一位女士看到这位男士的做法很感动,把自己的两张票送出一张给他,大家终于皆大欢喜!
没有票的飞鸟那天早上只好坐在电视机前观看九频道的电视直播。一个小时的活动虽然不长,但非常令人难忘。STEVE的家人和朋友们怀着对他的敬意,表达了他们的心情。他的父亲说,请大家不要为STEVE难过,因为他已经归于平静,请大家为动物们难过吧,因为它们失去了它们最好的夥伴,和我一样。STEVE最疼爱的女儿BINDI IRWIN走上台的时候,大家全场起立,为这个勇敢的小女孩鼓掌。她的脸上还挂着微笑,用她稚嫩的嗓音朗诵着她对爸爸的爱和怀念:她说。。。每当我看到鳄鱼,就会想起我的爸爸,他建了这个动物园,让野生动物各有其所,也修建动物医院治疗受伤的动物,唤起人们热爱动物的心,爸爸未竟的事业,我们要来帮助他完成,她小小的身影笔直站在台上,坚毅的神情像极了她勇敢的父亲。每一位现场和电视机前的观众都为BINDI的发言感动和鼓舞。
当STEVE生前的好友,著名乡村歌手JOHN WILLIAMSON抱着吉它弹起那最熟悉的旋律TRUE BLUE的时候,飞鸟的眼泪也不争气的落了下来。TRUE BLUE的深情旋律和此情此景是如此完美地融合在一起。。。当STEVE的夥伴,PACK起他平常用的工具,开动他的卡车的时候,人们的心又一次下沉下沉。。JOHN深情地谈唱着,面对三千名远道而来的人们,面对着他平时的工作夥伴和亲友,也面对蓝天白云,唱给已远在天上的STEVE。
上一周,STEVE的妻子TERRI终于接受采访,谈到所有澳洲人给她的支持,关怀,鼓励,她宣言要把STEVE的事业发扬光大,把AUSTRALIA ZOO办的更好更大,让我们看到了她的坚强。祝福她们,能把STEVE的动物保护事业继续下去,也祝福他们的两个孩子BINDI 和BOB健康成长,成为和她们的爸爸一样勇敢,坚强,热爱动物,热爱澳洲的澳洲英雄。
True Blue - John Williamson What is "True Blue"? Well that's the question I had to answer really when John Singleton asked me to write a theme for his "True Blue Aussies" TV program in the early 80's. Hence the words "Is it me and you? Is it Mum and Dad" etc...
A Pom in Coventry reckons the saying came from a mulberry orchard in his town. (Mulberries apparently were used in the old days to dye the blue coats of British Soldiers). And it was this one particular orchard that had the "true blue" colour that the army preferred. Well, perhaps this is why in the USA "True Blue" is more connected to the armed forces and their patriotism.
In Australia, however, it has come to mean the cream of "fair dinkums". I receive many letters from bereaved families telling me how they used this song to bury their "True Blue" Dad or Mum, Son or Daughter. And this helps me explain that it means all of the following:
1. An honest person to be trusted
2. His/her word is his/her bond
3. The person loves Australia and respects the nature of the land
4. Feels Australian and is proud of it
5. Cares about others. A really good mate
6. Something that is truly, unmistakably Australian. (Like "shouting" a beer in a pub or a kelpie dog)
The list could go on. I guess the same principles apply to any nation. But we happened to coin the phrase first.

True Blue - Words and Music by John Williamson
As sang at Steve Irwin's Memorial
Hey True Blue, don't say you've gone
Say you've knocked off for a smoko#
And you'll be back later on
Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue
To 'knock off for a smoko' is to have a break for a coffee, tea or cigarette.
Give it to me straight
Face to face
Are you really disappearing,
Just another dying race,
Hey True Blue.#
#True Blue
Steadfast loyal Australian who displays the Aussie ideals of a
of a fair go for all, mateship, having a go, and solving problems.
True Blue, is it me and you?
Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
Is it standing by your mate
When he's in a fight?
Or will she be right?
True Blue, I'm asking you...
Hey True Blue, can you bear the load?
Will you tie it up with wire,
Just to keep the show on the road?
Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue, now be Fair Dinkum#
#Fair Dinkum
Virtually the same as True Blue - honest, reliable, trustworthy,
dinki-di; someone who has embraced the Aussie attitudes to everything,
especially mateship. 'Are you fair dinkum?' means 'are you telling the truth?'
Is your heart still there?
If they sell us out like sponge cake
Do you really care?
Hey True Blue.
True Blue, is it me and you?
Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
Is it standing by your mate
When she's in a fight?
Or will she be right?
True Blue, I'm asking you...
True Blue, is it me and you?
Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
Is it standing by your mate
When he's in a fight?
Or will she be right?
True Blue ... True Blue.