

Work Work Work (图)

(2007-03-02 03:50:04) 下一个

This is a typical Friday night when we do not need to go out with friends or anything. We went to the town centre and had a simple dinner and went straight home.



R is vacuuming the downstairs floor with occupation of my Ipod. He whistles with really weird rhythm which I do not reckon is from any of the songs I have in my Ipod.


Ignoring him, I flatten my body as much as possbile on the big sofa trying to relax after a whole week’s work. Tomorrow is not my Saturday yet, I have to work.


Man, work is hard. I am thinking.  It is hard enough to work for one company. I am now working for two companies. One of them is mine.


So here comes the unexplainable truth. It is the natural drive of success that keep people like us work so hard that we can make our every schedule flexible enough to fit in the work schedule. You can never work that hard for someone else, can you?


Our neighbour, a transport company opposite to our office, appears to have the same spirit as we do.


Sometimes we finish late like 8 pm, we drove back to office and always see they are still working too. Sometimes they clean their trucks and do a little bit of this and that. Some Saturdays, we met them working too.


So you see, no one is forcing you to do any of these extra work, it is yourself that does the forcing. It is always the future aspect of your success the real force power.


To be an entrepreneur is tough and lonely. You have to bear the pressure most of other people do not want to bear. How often you see a person with a lot of potential working on a position that  under-unitilizing his/her capability. Is it because nobody finds the talented? No, I think it is usually because the talented avoids being found. By doing an easy job, you have not much pressure and as long as you are happy with what you are paid, you will never want to find out a more challenging way to actually discover your potential.


I never thought I could do this. But when you are in the flow, I guess all you can do is to go with the flow. If you do not stop yourself, nothing can stop you.

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