
人生随缘 看不惯别人是自寻烦恼 .可以不拥有任何东西,除了对生活的激情。好好生活,你的生命是一次性的。


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Parasternal Long Axis View

This view may be particularly useful for recording a ventricular septal defect (VSD) because the ultrasound beam may be parallel to the shunt flow from this approach.

Evidence of other flow disturbances that may be recorded from a perpendicular approach in this parasternal long axis view includes:

Left Arrium (LA):    Systolic spectral broadening due to mitral regurgitation
Left Ventricular Inflow Tract (LVIT)    Diastolic spectral broadening due to mitral stenosis
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract (LVOT)
  1. Systolic spectral broadening due to subaortic obstruction.
  2. Diastolic spectral broadening due to aortic insufficiency.
Ascending Aorta (asc Ao)   Systolic spectral broadening due to aortic or subaortic    stenosis.


Apical Views 

Though the transducer beam is parallel to the interventricular septum in apical views, nonlaminar flow associated with a VSD may be recorded from this approach.  If systolic turbulence is detected, suggesting VSD flow, another view, such as parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, or subcostal view may be used in an attempt to orient the ultrasound beam parallel to the shunt flow.

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