

100 Reasons A Daughter Needs A Father ( 3 ) (ZT)

(2006-12-04 16:43:07) 下一个
A Daughter Needs A Father
 to be the standard against which she will judge all men.
A Daughter Needs A Father
who will influence her life even when he isn't with her.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to teach her that she is equal to her husband.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to tell her that all is not hopeless, even when she feels it is.
to join her journey when she is too afraid to walk alone.
to teach her the meaning of integrity,and how to avoid the crooked path.
to make the tough decisions for her until she is able to make them for herself.

A Daughter Needs A Father
so that she will have at least one hero who will not let her down.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to protect her when she is not wise enough to protect herself.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to help her take the risks that will build her confidence.

( to be continued )
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