

100 Reasons A Daughter Needs A Father ( 6 ) (ZT)

(2006-12-12 20:43:51) 下一个
A Daughter Needs A Father
to give her the guidance she needs as she begins to resolve her own troubles.
to pull her back when she is headed in the wrong direction.
to think highly of her when no one else will.
to hold her as she cries.

A Daughter Needs A father
to carry her just because she wants to be carried.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to set a moral standard for her.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to share with her the wisdom she has not yet acquired.

A Daughter Needs A Father
who teaches her she is important by stopping what he is doing to watch her.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to remind her of the comfort of being held near and feeling secure.

A Daughter Needs A Father
to build a loving house on a foundation of wisdom and understanding.

(to be continued)
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