In total, 580 registrants from 47 states and four countries (Canada, Denmark, Czech Republic and the USA) visited more than 350 Congressional offices on Thursday, March 12. More than a hundred riders joined the snowy Congressional Bike Ride on Friday the 13th, with no ill-effects.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood addressed the opening plenary, noting that the DOT will be "a full partner in working toward livable communities". The Secretary was followed by Representatives Blumenauer (D-OR), Lipinski (D-IL) and Matsui (D-CA). Congressman Oberstar (D-MN) spoke at the Summit dinner, and Representatives Petri (R-WI), Coble (R-NC), McCaul (R-TX) and Kissell (D-NC) made remarks at the Congressional Breakfast or Reception.
The best coverage of the Summit, as always, can be found at Presentations, including a video of Andreas Rohl's presentation from the City of Copenhagen will be available soon at BikesPAC Event Draws Strong Bi-partisan SupportFour US Senators and two Representatives attended a BikesPAC event hosted by Bikes Belong on Wednesday, March 11th. Senators Spector (R-PA), Alexander (R-TN), Udall (D-NM) and Merkley (D-OR) met with industry leaders and constituents, along with Representatives Matsui (D-CA) and Mica (R-FL). All had interesting tales of their personal connection to bicycling.