

(2007-07-01 16:02:08) 下一个



当地的一名歌手领唱了加拿大国歌。大家还是马上停下戏闹,毕恭毕敬的站在那里唱起了 OH , CANADA 。

虽然本人已经来了快 20 年,至今还是不会唱那个国歌。听起来好像是催眠曲似的,一点也提不起精神,歌词又难记。根本无法与咱们中国的国歌相比。每次一听中国的国歌,起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,真的马上会坐直身子,能把我的每一个神经细胞都给振奋起来。也许正因为如此,我们每个中国人还是特别的爱国,虽然我们嘴上有时会骂骂列列,但心里还是我是中国人,我爱我的中国。








今天的警察很和善 ,希望他们下次给开罚单的时候,手下留情。


Throughout our study on Canada, many questions came up about our country that we decided to try to find the answers to. If any child had a question, it was recorded, then as a class we searched the internet and resource books to seek the answer. Here is a list of questions about Canada that we researched. I kept a list of the questions, then typed out both them, and the answers that were discovered. These were made into a special book that was named "Canadian Kids Trivia", and was given to each child at the end of our theme. You might be very interested to know what our kids wanted to know about our great country, so we'd like to share our list with you!


How tall is the CN Tower?

The CN Tower is 553.33 meters tall, or the length of 5 1/2 football fields.

How tall is the tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies?

The tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies is Mount Robson, in B.C.

How many people live in Canada?

About 33 million people live in Canada.

Why is there a maple leaf on our flag?

There is a maple leaf on our flag because  the Sugar Maple is our national tree.

How old is Canada?

Right now, Canada is 134 years old.

Is Canada a big country?

Canada is the second biggest country in the world in size.

What is the biggest city in Canada?

The biggest city in Canada is Toronto.

What is Canada's longest river?

The longest river in Canada is the Mackenzie River, located in the Northwest Territories. It empties into the Hudson Bay.

Who was Canada's first Prime Minister?

Canada's first Prime Minister was John Alexander MacDonald.

Who is Canada's Prime Minister now?

Jean Chretien is Canada's Prime Minister.

Who were the first people to live in Canada?

The native Canadians were the first people to live in Canada.

Which province is the biggest in Canada?

Quebec is the biggest province in Canada.

Which is the smallest province in Canada?

Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada.

How cold does it get in Canada?

It can get very cold. The temperatures have been known to get as cold as -60 degrees Celsius.

What are igloos?

Igloos are homes made out of snow and ice. Some Inuit families in Northern Canada have igloos for homes.

What is the biggest waterfall in Canada?

The biggest waterfall in Canada is Niagra Falls, located in Ontario.

How many Stanley Cups have the Edmonton Oilers won?

The Edmonton Oilers have won 5 Stanley Cups.

Where is Wayne Gretzky from?

Wayne Gretzky is from Brantford, Ontario.

How many people live in Edmonton?

About 1 million people live in Edmonton.

Where did Canada get its name?

Canada got its name from an Iroquois word, "Kanata", meaning "village."



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