


(2007-08-03 21:08:16) 下一个
看看这个,我写的 Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种 来源: 风云小猪 于 07-04-02 11:04:51 回答: 谈信仰当然要以人为中心 由 comelater 于 2007-04-02 11:00:56 Eastern religions are helpful to improve people’s attitudes and behaviors for those people who indeed believe them. For example, Eastern religions: humans should treat animals and plants with the same dignity and respect as humans. i.e., Taoism considers that the individual and the surroundings are inseparable. Also, Taoism thinks people who follow with the nature rules will get benefits from doing so. I cannot agree with this idea more. It is one of the very important attitudes for people to obey the nature rules to deal climate issues. In this case, Taoism will help people improve people’s attitudes and behaviors. For Buddhism, people doing bad things will harm themselves in the future or in the next generation. Buddhism also thinks that animals should be protected and people should not kill animals and eat their meat. I think Buddhism is helpful for human beings to live in harmony with nature.Western religions think that human beings are the center of the nature and people will conquer the nature. For example, Christianity thinks people should fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish in the sea and the birds of the air and over every living thing. From this point, I think it will be less helpful than the Eastern religions. However, people have realized this problem and start to protect our nature.

• 西方的狗有保险的,东方的狗是否有保险? -comelater- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/2/07
 • 谁给别人家的宠物保险了?宠物不代表整个动物。 -风云小猪- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/2/07
• 动物园也有保险的,想让你看到西方人的一个视点 -comelater- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/2/07
 • 制度完善,但不能说明西方的信仰对自然的态度没有问题。 -风云小猪- ♂ (106 bytes) (6 reads) 4/2/07
• 一块切片,总有所限 -comelater- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/2/07
• 有一点是明确的:信仰是用来凝聚群体去做有利于群体的事情。 -风云小猪- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 4/2/07
• 平面看是这样啦,试着立体看看嘛 -comelater- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/2/07
• 在我的脑子中:自然环境,生态系统,人类社会就是个复杂的 -风云小猪- ♂ (130 bytes) (4 reads) 4/2/07
 • 很朴素 的自然论 -comelater- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/2/07
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