

(2011-03-23 09:06:18) 下一个
英国制作的系列电视剧,The Tudors, 是我最喜欢的电视剧之一。虽然里面的英国口音和拗口的、正式的、非现代的英语表达方式,听起来有些费力气,不过演员们出色的表演,制作的大场面,华丽典雅服饰,宫廷礼仪和生活的繁复与奢华,以及对英国历史的再现,都吸引着人们看下去。

如果他们不再继续拍摄女王伊莉莎白一世的事迹与生活,那么最新的一季将成为这一系列优秀剧集的终结。在这一季里,不可一世的亨利八世又将他的第五任妻子砍头处死。当然,作为皇后Kathryn Howard为她自己的不端行为付出了惨痛的代价,19岁就被处死,而且是在众目睽睽之下以皇后的身份和不忠的缘由。不知道她会不会有早知今日何必当初的惋惜和悔恨。 临刑前她说了一句话,使她绝望和无奈的心情昭然若揭。

在她被处死的前一天,一位牧师来到关押她的牢房,问她是否需要忏悔,那是天主教的一个仪式。她回答说 "I rarely speak to God, I don't think he knows who I am". 也就是说“我极少和上帝说话,我想他不知道我是谁” 这句话给我的印象非常深刻,一直都不能忘记。这里的“和上帝说话”指的是祷告。祷告是上帝赐给门徒向他倾诉心事,寻求来自上帝的指引、怜悯、宽恕、祝福和力量等等的特权。


The TV show <> is growing on me since I started watching this series two years ago. In the last season, there was an episode, and one subtitle was so impressive, and these words keep haunting me all day long. I think I will remember what she said always.

Before being executed,  a pastor asked 
Kathryn Howard whether she needed a confession, She said "I rarely speak to God, I don't think he knows who I am".  Next day, she was beheaded as a queen of England, 
 the fifth wife of King Henry VIII who is the father of famous Queen Elizabeth I. We have to admit that Hery himself is a critical king to expand the territory and power of England. Without him, Elizabeth I wouldn't make "Golden age" of England come ture.  

When Kathryn Howard married the King she was only 17 years old, then two years later she was killed by her own misconduct before her marriage and after.  It's a really sad ending for her but I wonder a lot that how much she felt regretful for behaving improperly or even becoming a queen.

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