

One of the Solutions for Preventing Global Climate Changes

(2007-02-03 20:02:36) 下一个

One of the Solutions for Preventing Global Climate Changes


Recently, majority people believe the world climate has a trend of global warming.

Global warming can lead to rapid spread of disease;

Global warming can lead to more asthma and air pollution;

Global warming can lead to deadly Heat Waves;

Global warming can lead to stronger hurricanes;

Global warming can lead to ice on mountains melt, oceans height level increasing, and the cities near the oceans will be under the water.


There are still a minority people believe the world climate is continuing its trend of global cooling in a longer time frame. The earth was believed as a separated part of the current Sun. After it separated from Sun, it was cooling and cooling. The earth surface was hot and full of fire long time ago. Now it is comfortable for human to live. It might become much colder, just like the Mars in the far away future.


No matter how many different opinions people have, there are some common concerns about the dramatically global climate changes on the Earth. And we have to do intensive and serious research on how to resolve this important issue.


In this article, one of the possible solutions is proposed:

People should invent a new type of rocket. The head of this type rocket could be the Earth. This type rocket is for pushing the Earth moving towards the Sun or moving away from the Sun. If scientists proved the Earth climate is changed too much on the trend of global warming, then, People should start this rocket, and push the Earth moving away from the Sun a little bit. If scientists proved the Earth climate is changed too much on the trend of global cooling, then, People should start this rocket, and push the Earth moving towards the Sun a little bit.


Scientists should also do some research on what is the impact of each rocket launched by different countries currently, (No matter whether it is for sending satellites or for testing weapons).

Scientists should verify whether those rockets changed the orbit of the Earth or not, even a little bit. If the conclusion is yes, the United Nation should co-operate with every countries in this world. Make sure the timing of launching any rocket is compliant with the goal of preventing the global climate changes.


Let us make our best efforts on the researches and actions for preventing the global climate changes. Let us make our best efforts on creating and maintaining a better environment for our next generations of humanity.


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