

(2021-01-13 12:24:05) 下一个



        然而过去的2020年过于不堪回首,没想到小小新冠却迫使人们一年之中有四分之三的时间居于家中,眼望着窗外的大好时光飞逝,耳边令人焦急的消息不断传来,心中难免生出些许希冀期盼,x所以时隔多年以后就有了2021年的新年愿望,想来想去我的愿望竟然是一切回归正常, 是的,就是像从前一样,可以正常地生活,自由地出行,自在地呼吸。我要的的确不多。



New Year Resolution 

Looking back over the past  years, I don't even remember when my last New Year's wish was made. I just remember that when I was young, I would make a wish every year. My wishes reflected my age such as growing taller next year, receiving more red envelopes, making good friends, earning high grades, entering a good university, meeting the right person,etc…, in short, the resolutions or wishes I made were achievable after working hard.  One day, I realized it seemed that there was no expectation anymore because my life stabilizes and is on the procedure step by step. Every year looks the same or similar. More importantly, when people grow up, they know that wish is just a wish, but any wish may not necessarily  come true. Wishes might just add some colors to the normal life.

However, the past year 2020 was too unbearable to look back. I did not expect that the COVID-19, this small virus could be so powerful to kill so many lives and force people to live at home three-quarters of the year. Every day I sat near the window, watching the good times outside flew by, bad news kept coming on TV. I felt sad, not just for myself but for everyone. I wish 2020 could be skipped by human beings’ memories. After so many years of not having resolution, finally I made 2021’s resolution simple: I wish nothing but everything could be back to normal.Yes, NORMALITY. I wish people could live normally, traveling and gathering freely as before. For the special year, I just want normal. Then I can breathe easily.


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