

(2024-10-16 16:11:01) 下一个


   I like to watch the American TV show  “ Friends” where three young men and three young women live in the same apartment complex and face life and love in New York. I laughed and cried when I watched them. They made me think about what friends mean to me.


      When I was young I thought  a friend was someone who was happy to spend time with you doing anything, such as playing, talking, learning, even doing stupid errands. Maybe you fight with each other one day and reunite the next. A friend doesn’t care if you're ugly or boring. There is no secret between you. A friend forgives you no matter what you do. A friend is everything.


       When I grew up, I matured. I found that the friends around me changed eventually. Someone stayed, someone left. I felt sad when someone left. I understood later that a friend is more than someone who just laughs with you and someone who can cry with you. A friend should be the one to stand up for you when you need it.  A friend is supportive, but not every friend lasts forever. 


      Now that I am fifty, half of my life has passed already. I have known a lot of people and I have had so many life experiences. My more mature point of view is that my  friends may  change again. I realize that everyone has their own life. People’s relationships sometimes need distance, especially friendships. Maybe friends don’t see each other or talk together very often,  but they still understand each other when they do connect. My friendships have matured because my friends and I respect each other’s lives and opinions. We know we can always contact each other when we need it. A friend is for fun and for support.


      Finally, I know a friend is someone you like so much that you want to share  your interests and  your common values with each other. A friend is someone that you feel comfortable being around, even doing nothing at all. I have learned not to expect too much from friends and by being open my friendships have lasted longer.

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