
RE: 爱情解密之三十二:我是他什么性质的女朋友?

(2006-08-04 23:59:52) 下一个
Like everything else, there are always obstacles to get what you truly want in love. If you’re not willing to plan and try harder, then it only shows one thing: you don’t deserve it. As I said, you should bury your desire and move on, which will make you more peaceful and comfortable. You don’t need my help to get anything easy.

The worst thing is to wait. It’s a waste of your life and you will miss out some better opportunities to meet other good potentials at the same time. And most importantly, someday you must remorse for what you haven’t done anything today.

Only lazy and incompetent people would say: “It’s too complicated.” Yes, we all deserve what we have chosen to do. Please don’t complain and whine for what you don’t have, like something or somebody you admire. That’s so annoying and pathetic.

Any strategy has pitfalls. That’s reason why I added some BUT in my recommendation. Read those “But” carefully and think why they are necessary.

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