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It is necessary to have a global language to conduct internation

(2007-02-04 00:07:13) 下一个

It is necessary to have a global language to conduct international business

What is language? It is use by human beings of voice sounds, and often written symbols representing these sounds, in organized combinations and patterns in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings. ( Alfred E. Neuman )

No nation can be self-sustaining enough as not to have to do business with other nations. (XiJun 2006)They either have to buy materials from other countries or sell their products to other countries. This activity of buying and selling is known as international business. To do business a businessman will have to communicate with his counterpart. To do international business is no exception. In addition, international businessmen will have to speak foreign languages. It is understandable that speaking many languages to various nations is harder. It is necessary to have a global language to conduct international business.

When you come a foreign country to do business there, you will have to be able to speak the language this country speaks. For example, Caledonian come North American trade with Eskimo for buy fur. Therefore they have to speak Greenlandic Eskimo qajaq. They cannot just point at the Eskimo, When they go back Europe main land they will trade with other countries such like Norway or Danmark. In this way they still have to speak those countries language to trade with them. It will bring much needless burden for foreign trading. Thus it is necessary for Caledonian to find a more easy way to communicate with other nations.

If you are not able to speak that foreign language, not only will you not be able to buy or sell things, you will also cause misunderstanding or even conflicts. Before the Opium Wars tea silk and other Asian luxury goods were introduced in Europe. By the mid-18th century these items were in high demand, particularly tea. The British, to redress their net outflow of payments to China for tea and to force China to conduct relations like other states, invaded China, winning the First Opium War in 1841. (QingWeiMing 1987)During the war, Hong Kong Island was first occupied by the British, and then formally ceded by the Qing Dynasty of China in 1842 under the Treaty of Nanking. Now a lot of evidence shows up that the war is result in the culture impact. China was pursue lofty closed-cloorism goals, they lack of comprehension for foreign trading skill. If both sides know the culture difference they could abstain from the war.

So, businessmen have to learn foreign languages. What foreign language to learn? Doing business with Korea so all of people learn Korean? Doing business with Japan the people learn Japanese. Command of those languages will spend your half a lifetime. You do not want to learn many languages. The foreign language seems like the best way to solve the case.

“A language becomes a world language for one reason only - the power of the people who speak it. Power means political, economic, technological, and cultural power, of course.” (David Crystal)

In the past, some scholars attempt use Esperanto to be a popular language in the world, but they have overlooked the great power of language effect in the culture. Human could not take the culture from the language and that just regard the language as a common communication tool.

So people want to have a common language. Many hundreds of years ago, British Empire “The geographic and political units formerly under British control, including dominions, colonies, dependencies, trust territories, and protectorates. At the height of its power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it encompassed territories on all continents, comprising about one quarter of the world's land area and population”(Oxford dictionary) went out to many places in the world to explore new lands and to find new markets. As a result, English is spoken almost everywhere in the world. So, people have found that English is already a common language. Though many people hate British for this or that reason, or some people do like British, they have to accept English as a common language in the international business. After all English is a language. A language is a system of tool with which people communicate. In this sense, English is nothing but a tool of communication.

Therefore, to do international business, people do need to have a common language to speak internationally. It is true that English is not an ideal international language for at least one reason, namely, it is hard for many people to learn. For example, it is very hard for the Chinese to learn it whose language is not at all similar to English. (It is much more easier for the French people to learn English.). But the fact is that English has already permeated human life in many ways. For example, computer software is written in English. In today’s world, no one, no authority can eliminate English as the international language and replace it with another language. As, nevertheless, people do need to have a global language to conduct international business, they will have to make with English. So English will still be the common language in the foreseeable future.
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