Early Chinese Aircraft 中國飛機 歡迎來到我的網站!
林振榮 最近在很多中文雜誌,有幾篇連載文章,十分精彩。包括中國飛機尋根,五十年代進口之中國飛機,人民空軍早期使用的美、加及日製飛機,現摘錄如下,並加插圖片,希望大家會喜歡。若有任何意見請電郵給我謝謝! There are series of articles in Chinese Air Force magazine which describes aircrafts used in China in early days. I have inserted more photos into it. Unfortunately, it will be a great job for me to translate into English. Have fun! Any comments and additional information are welcome! The photos / artworks/ drawings are taken from various publications ( Chinese Air Force, Small airforces observer, Insignia, Avions, Air magazine, Jet & Prop, Wings of China, Air enthusiast, Aviation world, Aerospace knowledge, World Flight......) Special thanks:- I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Lennart Andersson for allowing me to use his excellent drawings in this site. 最新上載 :
中國飛機尋根(之四十五) 抗戰期 間我主力戰機之一美製寇蒂斯 P — 40 戰鷹式機( Curtiss P-40 Warhawk )
中國飛機尋根(之四十六) 抗戰期間美援洛克希德 A-29 赫德遜式轟炸機( Lockheed A-29 Hudson )
中國飛機尋根(之四十七) 美援 B-25 米契爾式中型轟炸機( North American B-25 Mitchell )
中國飛機尋根(之四十八) 戰功彪炳的美製北美 P-51 野馬式戰鬥機( North American P-51 Mustang )
中國飛機尋根(之四十九)抗戰期間美援洛克希德 P-38 閃電式偵照機( Lockheed P-38 / F-5 Lightning )
中國飛機尋根(之五十)戡亂時期之美製 B-24 解放者式重轟炸機( Consolidated B-24 Liberator ) 中國飛機尋根(之五十一)戡亂衛臺時期之美製共和 P-47 雷電式戰鬥機( Republic P-47 Thunderbolt ) 中國飛機尋根(之五十二)臨危受命曇花一現之加製蚊式戰鬥轟炸機( De Havilland 98 Mosquito )
中國飛機尋根(之五十三)任重道遠的老鳥——美製寇蒂斯 C-46 型運輸機( Curtiss C-46 Commando )
中國飛機尋根(之五十四)我空軍好第六大隊所使用的兩種日本降機 ( Kawasaki Ki-48 Lily, Nakajimi Ki-84 Hayate )
最近修訂: 中國飛機尋根(之二十三) 抗戰前廣西空軍所使用的各式飛機
人民空軍初創時期使用的日製飛機 (之八)三菱99式乙型襲擊機(Mitsubishi Ki-5l Sonia)
(一)中國飛機尋根 最近黃孝慈先生在「中華民國的空軍」前為「中國的空軍」雜誌上發表了一系列文章,名為「中國飛機尋根」,十分精彩,現摘錄如下,並加插圖片,希望大家會喜歡。 
There is a series of articles in Chinese Air Force magazine which describes aircrafts used in China in early days. I have inserted more photos into it. (二)新中國早期飛機 在航空知識也有幾篇連載文章,十分精彩,現摘錄如下,並加插圖片,希望大家會喜歡。若有任何意見請電郵給我謝謝! ( 甲 ) 五十年代進口之中國飛機 
Another series is about imported aircrafts in the 50's. This article was posted in Aerospace Knowledge. (乙)人民空軍建軍初期使用的美、加飛機
This is about those captured US and Canadian aircrafts in PLAAF service. This article was posted in Aerospace Knowledge. (丙)人民空軍初創時期使用的日製飛機
This is about those captured Japanese aircrafts in PLAAF service. This article was posted in Aerospace Knowledge. FastCounter by LinkExchange

My other sites:- Chinese early Aircraft : http://cwlam2000hk.sinaman.com/index.htm http://cwlam2000.0catch.com/index.htm Lam's Modelling Gallery : http://members.fortunecity.com/cwlam2000/default.htm http://www.angelfire.com/ut2/cwlam2000/default.htm Insignia of China http://www.geocities.com/cwlam2000hk/index.htm |