

小天使 (674)- Show you my love

(2007-02-16 21:00:52) 下一个
by ed2006


大宝自从昨天给他爸写了第一封信后,意犹为尽,今天又分别给二宝和三宝及妈妈各写了一封信,真是创了历史记录。先甭说那些个语法和拼写错误了,光码这么多字也不容易啊。好多单词是悄悄地找俺帮忙的。大宝临睡前问俺,为什么妈妈不给我们写信啊?俺听了有点脸红,咱VALENTINE DAY也没给孩儿们表示个什么,其实米国的VALENTNE DAY并不是单纯的情人节,Valentine's Day is supposed to be all about love,you can express "I love you" in words and notes to someone you love.I received the following letter to remind the parents not to forget  Valentine's day.

"Sometimes, between the giant, silver foil candies and the heart-shaped sugar cookies, simple love gets shoved into the shadows. With hectic schedules, we sometimes forget to create moments, not purchases, for our children, and we just need a little reminder. Valentine's Day is a good place to start. "

如今这年头写信是奢侈,每天电邮才是家常便饭,咱大学毕业后就很少再提笔写信了。看来咱一会儿就得补上这多年未上的课,给家里三个小毛头写写信,show them my love。

The following are Dabao's "show you my love" letter:

Dear Sanbao,
Happy Valentines day! I love you because you like the piano and you like me. you are excited. and you like playing the toys,you like to eat.

From Dabao,Erbao

Dear Momi,
I love you because you packed me up, because you are nis(nice) and you let me play the piano and we played Chinese checkers.

From Dabao

Dear ErBao,
Happy Valentines day!I like you because you are my brother,we are best friends. we also play basketball, grandpa,me and you on the same team and we like to play the football.
From Dabao

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