by 冰溪
Trip to Canada(7) - 抱抱

Needless to say, to tour a city like Montreal and Quebec City requires a lot of walking, which can be quite challenging for a three and a half year old. Especially Daddy, who led the team ahead, seemed to always forget that his son had much shorter legs who had to work a lot harder to keep up with him.
Usually I would hold Evan's hand tailing behind Daddy and Olivia. And the distance between the two groups never failed to become longer and longer.
After seeing Daddy and Olivia went further and further, Evan would yell at them: "Daddy, wait for me please!" and then he would complain to me: "Mommy, this is hard walk."
Although I felt sorry seeing his little legs trying hard to keep up the pace, I tried to make it sounded like no big deal: "Oh, it's not so bad honey." even though he was probably thinking: "Yeah, right. Look at how much longer your legs compared to mine."
After walking a little longer, he decided that was enough so he would stop and say to me: "Mommy, I have hard time walking, I want 抱抱 (being held up)."
Usually if he had walked quite a distance, I would carry him for a little while but he was quite some weight to carry nowadays so quite often I had to ask for Daddy's help. But Daddy thought a three and a half year old should be able to walk a lot and that we shouldn’t spoil him.
So Evan almost never got a "Yes" to his 抱抱 requests and he would get upset. But once in a while, especially we were in a hurry to be somewhere or he was really dragging us down, Daddy would put him on his shoulder for a little while and look how happy he was when his wish came true.
喜欢小既改的题目,已经update了我的博克, 也将有些句子捋顺了些:)
这些年除了把LG的英文给拽下来外,自己的英文没进步多少:).不过以后可以让两个小东西一边读自己的故事一边锻炼改错句, 也算是一举两得了, 哈哈...