2007 (123)
2008 (108)
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2011 (127)
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2019 (73)
第一次看到这个油管主:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PFkkPAZ31A&list=WL&index=6 不错的视频,在西方一片互相洗脑中这样的理性之举值得点赞。刚刚看完一段,满有感触,写下这段:
加拿大女防长睁眼说瞎话:“我们必须盯着点中国,因为它已经成为日益强大的国际破坏力量。” 她自己被洗脑也就算了,还要辗转洗脑别人。中国和平崛起,心智良知正常的人都看得见,只有将中国视为敌人的人例外。也就是说,对牛弹琴白费力,对敌人讲道理更是如此。我们反对丛林法则,但有时有地世界就是这么残酷。
The Canadian female defense minister opened her eyes but said nonsense: "We must keep an eye on China, as it has become an increasingly destructive global power." China's peaceful rise can be seen by anyone with a normal mind and conscience, except for those who regard China as an enemy. In other words, it is useless to play piano to the cow, and it is even more so to reason with the enemy. We are against the law of the jungle, but sometimes the world is just that cruel.