虔谦 (热门博主)
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(2010-07-14 19:16:36) 下一个
Dear Kevin,
Remember one time I bought you a portrait that says something like “believe in miracle”? I believe in miracles and I bought that for you in purpose.  Why? Because believing in miracle does not mean only on the word surface literally; it represents some great positive and tender attitude; it means a person believes in something that is not quite visible but is shinning out there and having a positive affect on the visible things.
The little bird that was somehow on our yard and found could not fly but finally mysteriously “disappeared” was truly a miracle to me right before my eyes.  All I know is I prayed and Alex prayed as well for that poor little bird (I prayed God to rescue that bird so that, among other things, I could show it to you…), and she/he was not eaten by dog/cat by any means. She/he has been safely moved to somewhere else somehow (most possibility was that she/he was led by her/his parent(s)).
Do you see here Kevin, God answers my and Alex’ prayer. That is not the very first time. I experienced and feel God’s company and help on lots of events.
In Gospel Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 to 30, Jesus says, isn’t two sparrows worth a dollar? The Father still takes care of them; you worth more than a sparrow; even your hair are counted.  
The date you first came to this world, you were immediately surrounded by love in abundance.  What is in is usually what is out.  Please keep that in mind and try to look at the world with softer eyes and open mind.
Love to you,
Mom wrote in lunch time

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圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 Very inspiring!