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A young man had liver disease and needed liver transplant. His mother determined to save her son. So she went check her liver. The doctor said she had “fat liver”, not qualify for candidate. She did not give up. She started walking, “violent walking” as the news said (means she walked like crazy; she did nothing but walk…). She did not eat any meat for months even when she was so attempted. Everyone who heard this news was so touched and donations started to flood in (she could not afford that kind of money).
The second exam showed her liver was in perfect condition, the fat went away. The operation was super success and she, the greatest mom saved her son.
It happened in China. The news has been posted to the US media as well.
他说有个儿子患了肌肉萎缩症,心越来越有余,力越来越不足。 父亲看在眼里急在心里。有一次他推着儿子和别的孩子们参加跑步。跑步完了以后,儿子告诉父亲:爸爸,在那整个和别人一起跑的过程中,我居然忘了我是没有身躯的人;“没有身躯”是一直笼罩着儿子心灵的巨大阴影。
其实这样的事迹还很多很多。冰天雪地里,熊熊大火中,地动山摇前,甚至黑压压的蜂群下 …… 都曾发生过父亲母亲舍身救儿的事情。
后注:您有机会的话可GOOGLE 一下“暴走妈妈”,这个词已经成了网路点击极高的词语。您可以目睹“暴走妈妈”陈玉蓉平凡和蔼充满慈祥和坚定的母亲笑容, 手术前后档案照以及YOUTUBE录像。“暴走妈妈”的事迹也传到了美国。除了母爱之外,这个故事也告诉人们 THE POWER OF WALK。
10 months of pregnancy, 7 months of “ violent walk ” (10 miles a day) and part of her perfect liver to give her son the first and second life, 7 shoes were worn out … . The hospital free her all fees (600,000 Yuan) ……