某年某月的某一天,我刚进家门就被女儿神神秘秘的领到楼上的楼梯上,要告诉我一个private 的事情,我们两个坐在三楼的楼梯上。
Mommy, I got problem.
You know there is a boy who likes me called Eric.
Now, there is another boy likes me called Steven. He is sending me this. 女儿递给我一张揉得皱巴巴的纸。
Dear XXX
please pick one from me and Eric, I think you……( 此处省略200字)
Don’t tell anyone else, don’t laugh, It’s a problem. 小东西还蛮认真
Take it easy, it’s not your problem, it’s his problem. 我说,
You’re right. But how could I answer him. 女儿无可奈何的说
Simple, just say no. 我说着回房间换衣服了,忽然想起了什么,转过身来,
Why?? 女儿问
Ok, 女儿乖乖的给了我,我偷着乐。
我看到一封是Dear Eric 还有一封是 Dear Steven, 就是打不开,电脑提示路径不对。我咚咚咚跑上楼去,对正在和一条活鱼顽强作战的老公悄悄的说,打不开。Garbage 里找,用restore . 老公压低声音说。真是,早不说,我边抱怨边下楼了。
Dear Eric,
Ever heard of no pain, no gain? Well, it means you have to earn what you get. That is the exactly how I’m going to make my decision between you and Steven. If you want my heart you’ll have earn it. I’ll give you two weeks for you to impress me. On June 10th I’ll tell you who it is. Good luck! J
I need talk to you. 我对女儿说
I’m busy.女儿说,反了反了
I NEED TALK TO YOU NOW!! 字大了声音当然也大了,女儿看我火了,老老实实坐在我对面。
How about those boys? How did you talk to them? 我说
I wrote a note for them, one side is a big happy face, the other side just wrote no. Actually this is Choice’s idea. 女儿答道
Look at my eyes. I’ll give you a chance to tell me the truth, ok? 我说
Ok, actually I wrote another note for them, but I didn’t send it. Cause I’m afire to stack at the middle of them.女儿小声地说
Ok, what’s that note says? 我问
I said I’ll give you two weeks for you to impress me. Really I didn’t send the notes, this is the truth. 女儿说
Ok, I trust you. If you’re not telling me the truth, you’re really in the big trouble. Get it? 直觉告诉我,我应该相信女儿一次,虽然我心里到现在还是七上八下的。
Yes, I know. But you know what; they keep sending the notes to me.女儿接着说
Through those notes away, tell them, you both too yang to understand what love is, just leave me alone. 现在的孩子也太早熟了点吧,这才多大啊。
You don’t want the notes? 女儿问我
No 我说
Are you sure? 女儿又问
Sure, do your work now. 我说
昨天我又问女儿那两个男孩的事情,女儿告诉我,It’s over. 可是老公对我说,这才刚开始,不觉得你女儿越长越漂亮了吗。哎,福兮祸兮?!任重而道远兮!