林贝卡 (热门博主)
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John Denver的老吉他

(2012-10-06 11:17:08) 下一个





后来,约翰·丹佛不幸弄掉了他的老吉他,他非常的伤感。5年后,他又意外地找到了他的老吉他,他惊喜万分,弹着老吉他,他创作了这首《This Old Guitar》。

Song: This Old Guitar
Artist: John Denver

This old guitar taught me to sing a love song
it showed me how to laugh and how to cry
It introduced me to some friends of mine
and brightened up some days
and helped me make it thru some lonely nights
What a friend to have on a cold and lonely night

This old guitar gave me my lovely lady
it opened up her eyes and ears to me
it brought us close together
and I guess it broke her heart
it opened up the space for us to be
What a lovely place and a lovely space to be

This old guitar gave me my life my living
all the things you know I love to do
to serenade the stars that shine
from a sunny mountainside
and most of all to sing my songs for you
I love to sing my songs for you
Yes I do, you know
I love to sing my songs for you




林贝卡 2012秋 于美国




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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复福教授的评论:

今晚心血来潮,来看这个帖子,意外地看到了你的留言,听过你深情地演绎ANNIE'S SONG,期待着你的OLD GUITAR...COUNTRY ROAD...我在想,不知你的吉他是否有自己的故事呢?
福教授 回复 悄悄话 也喜欢JOHN DENVER, 好几首都是我也常唱的, ANNIE'S SONG, OLD GUITAR...COUNTRY ROAD...声音非常纯净,阳光但深情...
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复ronggang的评论:

ronggang 回复 悄悄话 林贝卡的帖子,各个是精品,经常潜水享受,周末愉快!