Happiness Is An Inside Job Author: Mac Anderson & BJ Gallagher
When I travel on business, I like to talk to the taxi drivers who take me from the airport to my hotel, or to a convention center, or to a restaurant. Taxi drivers are often immigrants with interesting personal histories and unusual cultural backgrounds. I ask them how long they've been in America, how they chose which city to live in, and what they like best about where they live.
Of course, I also ask them for advice on good local restaurants and any special attractions they'd recommend to a visitor. I've had some great experiences on my travels, thanks to the advice of taxi drivers.
On one trip about ten years ago, I was making conversation with the taxi driver, asking him my usual questions about how he came to live where he lived. Then I asked him a hypothetical question: "If you could live anywhere in the world-and if money was no object-where would you live?"
Without hesitating even for a second, he replied, "I live in my heart. So it really doesn't matter where my body lives. If I am happy inside, then I live in paradise, no matter where my residence is."
I felt humbled and a little foolish for my question. Of course he was right-happiness is an inside job. He had reminded me of something I already knew, but had forgotten. If you can't find happiness inside yourself, you'll never find it in the outside world, no matter where you move. Wherever you go, there you are. You take yourself with you.
I am grateful for the wisdom of that taxi driver. And I'm grateful for all the wisdom others have shared with me about how to be happy.

Rebecca Lin 2011 Summer In USA |
说起坐出租车,在巴西好像少有传统十字路口,只是道路变得很宽,象个大足球场,司机在高速下连车带人射向要去的方向,就象射门。有一次和另一车擦碰,司机速都不减,我叫slow, 他慢了下来,后面却笛声一片,他耸肩挑眉居然还摊手,nobody slow,加速而去。看来中南美人确实是活在激情的高速和碰撞中。
The Road to Happiness Author: Mac Anderson & BJ GAllagher
Barbara "BJ" Gallagher Hateley
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barbara "BJ" Gallagher Hateley is an author and speaker who lives in Los Angeles, California. She writes business books, women’s books , gift books , and children's books. She is quoted almost weekly in various newspapers, women’s magazines, and websites. In addition to writing books, BJ also conducts seminars and delivers keynotes at conferences and professional meetings across the country.