
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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English Journals

(2023-08-21 09:47:22) 下一个







《长相思》第一季追完了,第二季要等明年。仙侠剧好看的,飘飘渺渺虚虚幻幻,却满足了人的想象。故事里男女主人公缠缠绵绵的爱恨情仇,一个女人被四个男人爱,何其虐心! (下面的这段是青丘公子写给小夭的信,当时顺手记了下来。 再读,其实也没觉的写的有多好,估计人比较容易在剧情中被感动。)最后小夭要嫁的是丰隆,就是当今所说的政治联姻。






It was 8ish on the Labor Day Sunday morning. Unlike any other crisp morning here in Southern CA, this windless morning plagued by a prolonged heat wave was swelteringly hot. The concrete-paved ground  that had collected the morning heat was diffusing like a steamer.  The palm trees and lawns next to it could no longer help moderate the temperature. They looked weary too. But that did not seem to put a damper on people. A team of around 20 people, mostly women with an addition of four or five men, were standing there undaunted. The familiar Chinese music was floating in the air, to the beat of which they wriggled their bodies.  Em stood among them, stretching, bending, twisting and jumping as they used to do every Sunday morning. Soon the upper parts of their T-shirts were wet with sweat.

The teacher stood in the front, instructing through a microphone headset tilted to her mouth, as she danced. She is lithe and young-looking, and the fact that she is ten years senior than Em floored her.  “Can I be as young and agile as she is in ten years?” Em doubted it.

A two-week’s record-breaking bout of heat wave was finally eased today as a moderate rainfall quelled the sizzling earth.



Dancing with the team becomes Em’s newfound passion and pastime. Though she was not born a dancer, as her later years’ stunted growth in height disqualifies her, her love for music is in her blood, and dancing to the music is thus made sensational.  In her mid-50s, without many house chores and the daughter around, her desire of living her own life is rekindled and only becomes more intensifying as aging creeps upon stealthily. Dancing re-invigorates her body, her arms, her legs and her heart.

After a year's dancing with the team, Em decided to take one bold step further – to join the team in the video-taped performances.  She deemed this a chance to lively record herself that can attest to the years.  The evanescent bygone youth is never to be salvaged, neither will be the current middle-aged years.  Life is a one-way street, but with videos and pictures, at least she could revisit the memory lanes. 

Em had to rummage in the drawer for the makeup, when the dance teacher’s dress code sent through Wechat asked for light makeups for the video-taping. It must be almost a decade since her last use of makeup, possibly at a job interview when that was ever needed.  She found a large ziploc bag left behind by her daughter, where some cases, tubes and brushes were kept.  She picked up a disguised lipstick, and put it on her lips, only to find that it was a foundation. While a lipstick, found in a half-dried and half-emptied bottle, was in the shape of an eyelash brush.  Em could not help laughing at herself for being so behind and ignorant. Cosmetics, like fashion, must have upended itself in this evolving era.

Em looked at herself in the mirror, a middle aged woman, whose countenance had long lost its youth and luster. Aging was now in every cell of her face.  Despite the recently dyed hair, the wrinkles and creases in the eye corners and below the jaw however were starting to emerge. The once velvety skin that she was most proud of was now blemished with dotty dark spots. The UV rays in the sun that greehs her almost every day must have done its job.  Em was a bit melancholy as she brushed the foundation here and there, trying to cover the dark spots up.  

In her light makeup and a long red skirt, Em drove up to the great park. It was around 6:50 pm, but the nearest parking lot to the square was fully packed.  Em U-turned, parked afar, and made a beeline across the lawn.  She looked around, and saw to her right on the lawn a big white sheet highly elevated for the projection of a movie.  “The park is a hub of the city now.” Em thought to herself, while she quickened her steps towards the square.  

It’s a high summer evening.  After a day’s sun bake, the ground and the air were balmy. The sky was still blue with wisps of clouds drifting around. Em joined the team, lined up and poised for the music to start. The sun setting in the west torched the sky crimson, turning the houses in the distance next to it in dark silhouette.  Nearby, a big orange balloon, the icon of the county, was half rising in the sky.  The towering palm trees around were glowing in the last sunrays.  It was against this backdrop that Em and her team danced in the twilight.

The night finally fell. As Em waved good-bye to the team who stayed on for more dances, she saw the huge orange balloon glowing high above in the night sky, beckoning her a good night.




The news was broken to Em on the morning of May 23 on her way to work. A friend of Em’s  left a voice message on Wechat that Jen, the elder daughter of Lis, their mutual friend, fell off a cliff and died when she and her boyfriend was touring Switzerland.  Tears welled up in Em’s eyes as the sudden and heart-wrenching news gripped her.  Old memories resurfaced.  It was during the first few years in the states, two decades ago that Em met Lis in the same apartment complex they lived. Lis came from Shenzhen to join her husband, who after a year or two stints in Canada, found a job in the states. Lis brought with her the little Jen, who was 6 or 7 years old at the time.  They befriended each other, taking their daughters to the same piano school and having them learn Chinese together.

Who would think that a young and blossoming life came to an abrupt end like this?

Jen’s memorial service was scheduled on June 24. In all her black shirt and suit, Em appeared in front of a small church thirty minutes’ drive away where the memorial service would be held.  A long table was set up in the hallway by one side, collecting attendants’ name and signups. Em followed the line, scribbled down her name, and started scouring for Lis, who she had not met for ages.  There at the entrance to the inner hall stood Lis, greeting and hugging passersby. She was in her black shirt, with golden threads fringing the edges of the thinly knitted skirt. Her hairs peppered with some gray were tied back in a bun.  In her mid-fifties, Lis still looked gracefully beautiful. At a wave of the hand, Em briskly walked towards Lis and embraced her.   A bit surprised as Em did not register online beforehand, Lis recognized her instantly and burst out crying. The sadness was ineffable.  She only patted Lis’s sobbing back and tightened her arms around her in tears.

Em saw Jen’s boyfriend when he delivered the speech. He was the only witness, who knew what happened. But the recount of the accident was so short that Em only remembered two sentences: “ Jen slipped, and I could have held her… The helicopter came after about an hour…”

What could really happen? Em sat there, sunk in thought.  

Rumors had it that it was not an accident.

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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : I wouldn’t expect her to understand me until she becomes a mom herself. But what if younger generations nowadays choose to remain single:)) I remember the conversations between Bill and Tim you once wrote, and I’d like to forward an article from The Atlantic I happened to read around the time. Let me see if I can still find it. Thanks, my friend, for your thought.
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : I wouldn't blame myself, either, because I'm limited to what I know and what I can understand. Good intentions can pave a road to hell but it's extremely selfish not to be thankful.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Thanks, my friend, for coming back to read my old post. Group dancing is more fun than I expected. I will stick to it.
You are absolutely right not to push Tim too hard. Looking back, I did a poor job in helping relieve J’s stress. She is sour that her four years high school was spent like that. Life is short. Youth is shorter.:) )
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 It's great to see you picked up dancing. Physical exercises help not just the body, but also the mind. It keeps you from thinking negative and repetitive thoughts. Hope you enjoy it.

Very sorry to hear about Jen's fatal incident. Its implications are clear. I'm going to be even more patient with Tim and try to tell him that he is good enough.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 : 京妞好!看见你回来了,最近也没顾得上去看你,谢谢你这么有心记挂!谢谢你读我的英文,这个气球是很大,人可以坐上去的那种。谢谢你推荐《三生三世》,有机会也来看看。最近在看《血色浪漫》还不错。京妞新周愉快,九月快乐!
BeijingGirl1 回复 悄悄话 《长相思》没看过。 以前看过 三生三世十里桃花, 很好看。 那个剧演员、服装和故事都做得好。 看到你的文在城头, 我没看沫沫的小说, 不敢冒言,就在这里问好暖冬吧。
BeijingGirl1 回复 悄悄话 我都几乎错过了暖冬这篇哦。 当时也看到西岸有人等台风。 觉得你女儿好贴心呢。
“she saw the huge orange balloon glowing high above in the night sky,”,我猛一看照片以为是太阳, 马上意识到不对, 是大气球。 坚持用英文写日记真是一个好习惯。 佩服暖冬。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : 亮妈好!谢谢你的共鸣!我在YouTube上看见你们家的昙花,放在门口的,好几盆。这花太容易养了,我今天有看到十几朵新的花苞,太高兴了。昙花可以吃的,我拿来炒鸡蛋,有一定的药用价值,也可以煲汤。希望亮妈的昙花也不停有新花蕾。亮妈不客气啊,总是从你的博客学到东西,我特别羡慕你有珍这样的好媳妇!周末快乐!
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 应该是花多就可以忽略么。是多不是朵:)
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 “昙花却如期独自静静地绽放。只是没了赏花人,连我也忘了它。今早摘下这三朵尚未完全闭合的花蕊,心惜之。不是你不再美,而是人心便如此,忽视了身边的拥有,忽视了默默无闻的陪伴。” 谢谢你,暖冬。你上面这段就是我今天早上的心情。一下子错过了五朵昙花绽放。我当时想,难道花朵就可以忽略么?一朵时我追着时间拍。唉,错过了只好让她们躺平。问好,谢谢你在我博文后面的回帖,周末快乐!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'yy56' 的评论 : 哎呀,闻香来了,要给闻香上茶,龙井绿茶!今年气候全球反常,闻香待过的地方多,我就在这座城市待了二十多年,飓风也是84年未遇,又绕道了。也好,不造成损失了。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '彩烟游士' 的评论 : 游士好!嗯,南加永远不会嫌雨水多的。我知道昙花能吃,我用来炒鸡蛋,好吃,滑滑的,而且它有药用价值的,能清火,治口腔溃疡的。最近又有很多花苞了。游士周末快乐!
yy56 回复 悄悄话 我非常喜欢这段富有情感的哲理注释



yy56 回复 悄悄话 在Florida,我也有和你一样的经历,我们钉了门窗,“却只是一场不大不小的风雨”。
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 暖冬好!这次大雨,缓解了南加的旱情,也有一点好处:). 昙花可以吃的,但不是所有的人都喜欢吃。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 太谢谢松松了!原来我bookmarked的欧乐影院是.com, 你这个是.org,难怪我找不到,不知道是不是同一家,还是被收购了之类的。谢谢松松啊,你和水沫都是我的榜样!这就看《血色浪漫》!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 :
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '水沫' 的评论 : 谢谢水沫临帖美评!我这些都是日记式的,没多少价值的。水沫就是宅心仁厚,要向你学习,不参政,做好自己!再次谢谢水沫!
水沫 回复 悄悄话 女儿真暖心~~~暖冬这篇写得幽默、暖人,有情调又有哲理~~~一阵狂风卷珠帘,翻兰花,折宽叶--。很有画面感~~~不是你不再美,而是人心便如此,忽视了身边的拥有,忽视了默默无闻的陪伴--多么睿智的感悟~~~
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 维兄好!维兄有心了,非常感谢你的分享,you actually made my day.朋友之间交的是心,我喜欢你的直言不讳,有话直说。其实我自己有时候也很迷茫,写英文干什么,关键是写的自己都不满意,这么多年下来没有提高的,有时候还不如以前写的东西。但是,又想着人生总要不断努力进取,等到快要入土时再回首,能觉得自己不枉此生就好。
野性de思维 回复 悄悄话 很感谢你的安慰和鼓励,让我从失去亲人的苦痛和自责中走了出来。关于你用英语写作的事情,当时一时兴起,随便多说了几句,别影响了你对未来的长远规划。很喜欢和欣赏你的那段关于美感的回复,很有参考价值,它拓展了我看问题和思考的视角。现在流行着这么一种有趣的说法,叫做“女性视角”。就是说从一个女人的角度去看世界,很有点启示录的重要意义。在这个被男人们玩坏了的世界上,如果允许浮躁的人们能认真地听听完全不同的独立声音,设身处地从你们的角度去审视这个世界,相信,不久的将来,这个世界固有的、有不少缺憾的旧三观一定会被重新改写。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 松松好!哈哈,女儿确实预测得准的,松松在FL,飓风袭击的可能性比我们大多了,我们这个是84年不遇的,结果又变了放心,不过再怎么样还是不要来的好。对了,松松,想问你,《血色浪漫》哪里有?Youtube上好像没有,我也搜了欧乐和唐人街影院,都没有。谢谢松松临帖!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : Pika好!呵呵,84年不遇可不是这种心情嘛,怕它不来又怕它乱来:))人民群众的智慧。谢谢Pika,你是不是快回国了,祝旅途愉快!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 小棉袄不仅暖心,预测还很准~ 我们这有时也是,让大家做好准备,最后下了些大雨就结束了。但总比遭到飓风的破坏强:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 雨过天晴了!把台风来临前比喻为少女与男友,有意思:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '康赛欧' 的评论 : 嗯嗯,谢谢康康临帖,啥时回来啊?享受在国内的日子吧!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '丹哥' 的评论 : 谢谢丹哥的美评!当我们老去,这些记录会让往日重现。谢谢丹哥喜欢,周二快乐!
康赛欧 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享!暖冬的小棉袄很贴心,羡慕。记录下生活的点滴,真好!
丹哥 回复 悄悄话 喜欢娓娓道来的叙述方式,暖冬叙述言之有物,喜欢这些平时的积累,也积累了那些时光里的感受和心情,赞!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿好!菲儿女儿为你生日会特意飞回家,那才叫贴心。当然,孩子与孩子不能比的,我以前就犯了这个错,所以女儿有一点进步,我都要记录在册,都要感恩:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 维兄这个问题问的好,我也有同感!我以前看英语节目类似动物世界,就觉得里面的英文解说词写得特别好,可是要是真正拿出来独立看,也不过如此,说来还是因为有画面有音乐的配搭,使语言丰富了起来。这就说到文字的功能上。现如今抖音这么红短视频这么热,其实很大一个程度是因为画面声音给人直观的感受,一分钟甚至一秒钟就够了,但是语言没有这个立竿见影的效果。但是另一方面,文字又是有其力量的。比如“空山新雨后”,五个字,还有画面感,而且每个人脑子里的画面可以不同,文字可以装上我们的想象力!当然懂音乐的人自然会觉得音乐是跨国界的,,不需要歌词/翻译就能传递信息和情感。不知我说的对不对,有没有说跑题了:) 我们有机会可以再讨论。(刚刚在做饭吃饭,拖延了回复)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 维兄当年托福的写作考这么高啊,那是花了功夫,也是有天赋的。我是来美国以后,因为要上学考的托福和GRE, 因为目标就是州立大学,就随便去考考的,都不记得写作考多少了,一定没有维兄考的高的。我在文学城碰见了理科生写的英文比我漂亮太多了。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 维兄好!回复晚了见谅啊!你很幸福啊,有这么好的爸爸妈妈,还记得你说自己小时候调皮,母亲自己是老师也不太责怪你,还有你的父亲,是怎样给你上《最后一课》,怎样让你练字画画收心,让你迷途知返的。你不要自责,好的父母,一如你的父母,爱是不求回报的,只要你过的好就是对他们的最大回报。你心里这么纪念他们思念他们,这种感情比你回去送他们一程都要来得强烈,这样的思念是绵长的,不断的。愿维兄真正走出伤痛,不再沉沦!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好! 今天后来有个东西老板急着要,越是忙电脑还出问题,急得人团团转。晚上再加点班吧。这个飓风是84年未遇,所以这边的人真是像初恋少女等情郎啊,其实没来最好,不过倒也想看看飓风是什么样的:)J和某人有时都有点神叨叨的。Oncemm的这个兀自开花兀自陨落说的好,今日某人见桌上的昙花还问“哪里来的”,他根本不知道啊:)跟那位朋友没有联系,也不知道该怎么关心怎么说这个话题,我们自己要警醒。跳舞的video自能自己看,给你们看了全部会见光死的:)等你的上天入海记呢,想知道什么地方的海水这么漂亮,跟cancun比起来如何?期待!啰啰嗦嗦就写这些,Oncemm新周愉快!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 哈哈哈,我来了,读了暖冬的好文,几点感受:

暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 谢谢Oncemm和维兄,刚刚从stress Echo测试回来,工作有点忙,待会来详细回复。
野性de思维 回复 悄悄话 >>>再读,其实也没觉的写的有多好,估计人比较容易在剧情中被感动。
野性de思维 回复 悄悄话 有点不太明白,你为什么坚持用英文写作呢?我现在比较犯愁的是,如果不经常用中文,过不了多久,中文就生锈了。除非今后你想用英文发表点什么,比如写诗,写些文学作品什么的,否则为什么非要用英文写作呢?每天在工作中不知道写过多少八股文了,是不是早都练得跟洋人差不多了?哈哈,现在俺闭着眼睛都能写出一篇与工作有关的八股文。

野性de思维 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,开头的那个贴上的文字写得真kool,喜欢!

Once-always 回复 悄悄话 暖mm好,飓风绕道,松了口气,J有第六感哈哈。想曾经也是坐等一场大雪,结果只盼来雪花飘飘。可怜了那几朵昙花,兀自开放兀自陨落。唉,太多爱也烧脑啊,这情诗写的一点都不含糊,非常直白。:)))暖mm,读你的英文日记,才知道还有男生跳广场舞,跳得怎样?好想看你们跳舞的video,你有这爱好太好了。说真的那个女孩坠崖的事,绝对不简单,真心希望她家人会查到底。看到你的palm tree, 想起我还没开写上天入海记呢。客人走了,稍作休息,也该动笔了。暖mm新周快乐!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '心中之城' 的评论 : 心城来了,又惊又喜,你请坐沙发,我给你上茶,最好的碧螺春茶!我女儿比较不太会表达,所以她的一点一滴为娘的都要记下的。好想时光再来,再重头当一回母亲。谢谢心城记挂我!新周愉快!
心中之城 回复 悄悄话 暖冬的小棉袄太暖心了!别说是台风来了,就算是暴风雪来了,暖冬都无所畏惧,因为你家女儿的暖心问候可以融化冰雪。。。英文偷懒我就不读了。。我去听一听暖冬的歌。。。
心中之城 回复 悄悄话 我来坐沙发!