111, ur house is robbed. check it out.
(0/) 2008-08-14 11:14:37
the biggest puzzle for me is French swimmer got the
(0/) 2008-08-14 08:36:26
女子200米蝶泳-刘子歌夺金背后 - A Shanghai Girl.
(1/) 2008-08-14 06:07:25
(0/) 2008-08-13 08:41:59
(1/) 2008-08-12 11:13:22
U.S. star loses wedding ring, Chinese volunteer found it.
(2/) 2008-08-11 13:30:25
“It’s exceeded my expectations,” Bush told The Associated Press
(0/) 2008-08-11 08:18:39
Some fireworks were faked (- OMG, someone is jealous)
(0/) 2008-08-11 05:55:17
Michael Phelps broke world record, who said air quality
(0/) 2008-08-10 11:26:05
OMG, another one? "Edwards admits to affair "
(0/) 2008-08-08 13:11:40
Now they feel stupid. I told u guys.
(1/) 2008-08-06 12:59:11
"China bars gold medalist " (media love to mislead)
(0/) 2008-08-06 07:34:10
芙蓉姐姐想唱奥运主题曲 自称要做刘翔太太 omg, 111 u got competition :-)
(0/) 2008-08-05 18:52:55
omg, americans really wear masks in BJ. Media power
(1/) 2008-08-05 13:24:33
NBA stars know China more than I Do :-)
(2/) 2008-08-05 08:18:44
(0/) 2008-08-04 06:26:39
Is U.S. losing its appeal for illegal immigrants? zt
(1/) 2008-08-01 06:56:34
another 上海人民的创举 : 70 以上老人免费乘公交。
(0/) 2008-07-24 09:33:24
(5/) 2008-07-22 07:56:34
OMG, We cannot even get it in usa. :-)
(0/) 2008-07-18 10:57:21
(0/) 2008-07-15 20:28:22
(0/) 2008-07-10 20:37:47
(0/) 2008-07-10 20:31:04
(0/) 2008-07-10 20:07:49
OMG,Putao! Texas is the best place, NYC is the worst.
(0/) 2008-07-06 18:25:28
China's First Spacewalk: A Prelude of Things to Come
(0/) 2008-06-24 20:08:39
(0/) 2008-06-23 13:41:13
donot delete my post. it's comparison btw china and usa
(1/) 2008-06-23 09:54:37
Leaf, it is still earlier in Seattle . why r u so eager
(0/) 2008-06-23 07:32:05
JP Morgan will buy Wachovia bank to become the No.1
(0/) 2008-06-20 11:44:31
2 charged on Wall Street - same everywhere not just china
(2/) 2008-06-19 19:26:11
Putao, there r 200 ch tourists in the 1st group, none
(0/) 2008-06-19 19:11:23
No.1 quote of the day - by I175 : 北京和上海比当然土些.
(2/) 2008-06-19 12:29:35
China yuan hits new high against US dollar
(1/) 2008-06-18 05:44:31
人世无常 ( this one is even younger than Tim Russert
(1/) 2008-06-16 13:42:14
赴美旅游首发团北京分团将飞赴美国 ( who cares about green card?)
(0/) 2008-06-16 13:28:52
(0/) 2008-06-13 06:21:40
USA is going down. so many 精英 have nothing better to do
(1/) 2008-06-12 13:19:24
seems like 美国州长 r all the same.美国内华达州长吉朋斯离婚 妻子爆"他情妇多
(3/) 2008-06-11 06:47:01
CEO Leaf's new slogon -'世界上最好的娱乐都主动找到我们家门
(6/) 2008-05-08 12:15:30
(0/) 2008-05-07 08:20:23
(1/) 2008-05-05 20:50:31
To deepen my tricky question -----------
(0/) 2008-05-05 20:28:49
你的孩子到底要爱中国还是美国?(zt) this one is tricky.
(0/) 2008-05-05 13:28:03
Texas Bus fire kills up to 24 . Putao , it is ur texas bus
(1/) 2008-05-05 07:44:12
(0/) 2008-05-04 21:30:47
i 'm watching a movie "art of war" on TBS. Americans
(0/) 2008-05-04 20:31:15
Lin's chief rival - "Sea Girl"
(0/) 2008-05-02 22:37:33
(0/) 2008-05-02 22:20:39
Lin's prior life with Zhang :-)
(0/) 2008-05-02 22:18:08
Rabbit Lin, Leaf often mentioned her Jose, how come u
(2/) 2008-05-02 20:52:11
(0/) 2008-05-01 07:52:37
世界最长跨海大桥---杭州湾跨海大桥五一通车-i am going there :-)
(0/) 2008-04-30 18:48:03
美国今天和一个海龟朋友老C CAR POOL zt - by Nowhere88
(0/) 2008-04-30 13:23:19
who wants to see Leaf's nose and lip piecing? just found
(0/) 2008-04-30 09:37:12
Lin Rabbit, no need to have 塑造 U 成绣花枕头计划了.
(0/) 2008-04-29 10:32:19
我们刚出国时的萎缩男生活. Putao , any memory ?
(0/) 2008-04-29 07:20:31
惊现"放弃加拿大国籍"网站 , - good way to get back ur Ch citizenship
(0/) 2008-04-26 21:22:31
(0/) 2008-04-25 12:44:20
(0/) 2008-04-25 09:20:25