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The disappearance of a lion family

(2006-07-30 17:04:46) 下一个

The sun rose from the horizon. The lion family, Tachita, woke up from a long sleep and prepared for a whole new day. They had no idea the family would disband in a few months.

Usually a lion family includes two-four males, three-five females and several cubs. Lions divide their responsibilities strictly. Females are in charge of hunting and nursing while the males’ responsibility is mainly for protecting the territory. Tachita family had three females, two males and three baby lions. The three females hunted a buffalo today and were happily enjoying their meal with the males and babies. However, they noticed a single female was roaming around their territory. She was alone. No idea why the Tachita refused to accept her and even worse one of Tachita young males tried to drive her out by fighting with her. Although she lost and left,  hate was deeply rooted in her heart.

The baby lions were happily growing up. They didn’t realize danger was getting closer. One day, after the Mom lion got back from hunting, she never saw her babies again. She whined sadly and tried to find them. Three weeks passed, she still tried hard to look for them even though they had possibly been killed. At the same time, the single female disappeared. She was definitely the murderer. People have not photographed how the female lion gives birth to babies so far. Based on one biologist, pregnant females will leave the family just before her labor. She will make a nest in a place full of brushwood. The biologist photographed the baby lions after they were 4 days old when their mom went to hunt. That was highly dangerous. Once the Mom smelled him, he would be torn into pieces.

The life was going on in Tachita family. However, bad luck came to the family again. The two males fought with their neighbor, which was composed of 4 strong males, 5 females and some babies as well. The male brother died and the younger one was wounded badly. He found a quiet place under s tree and lied down. Apparently, he was waiting for his destiny.

The females’ fate wase not optimistic either. The more experienced one was getting older. She was 16 years old and had no chance to conceive anymore. Several days later, hyenas found her dead body and the experienced hunter finally became their dinner. The two younger females were hurt by the buffalo when they were hunting. No one knew how they would survive. Maybe join another lion family.

Tachita family has controlled their territory for about 20 years in Africa. The disappearance is  a natural choice. Sadness but necessity. While this family retreated from their land, the stronger and prospective family would substitute it and establish a new life circle, which is continuously turning round and round.

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